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  • 49 of the best US skiers set to compete at the Inaugural America's Cup at the Goode Nationals


    "The top make and female pro skiers from the US are gearing up to compete at the America's Cup that will take place on Thursday and Friday of the Goode Nationals.  Skiers will compete in the open division of the Goode Nationals as the prelims with the top skiers making the finals to be held Friday Night.  If you are attending Nationals extend your trip to watch this great event which features all 3 events, both male and female, including overall.  Mastercraft will be pulling Mens Jump, Malibu Womens Slalom, and Nautique Mens Slalom and Womens Jump.  Over $40,000 in cash prizes will be handed out.  It's not too late to sign up, if you are a Level 9 open rated skier you qualify, and its only $50, sign up now online...Click here to enter


    OM JumpOW Jump
     Krueger, Freddy Jaquess, Regina
     Garcia, Taylor Morgan, Lauren
     Haines, Quinn Greenwood, Brittany
     Leutz, Benjamin Kalkbrenner, Erin
     Greenwood, Samuel Hansen, Kennedy
     Kalkbrenner, ColeOW Slalom
     Lang, Nicholas Jaquess, Regina
    OM Slalom Truelove, Karen
     Travers, Jonathan Austin, Bailey
     Detrick, Brian Nicholson, Allie
     Triplett, Brenton Hawkins, Kassidy
     Nicholson, Zane Dobbertin, Jessie
     Wilson, K.c. Garcia, Alexandra
     Hunter, Sean Lang, Erika
     Bullock, Michael Greenwood, Brittany
     Cord, Adam Morgan, Jenna
     Giacopuzzi, Cole Hansen, Kennedy
     Greenwood, SamuelOW Tricks
     Pickos, Adam Lang, Erika
     Haines, Quinn Jaquess, Regina
     Lang, Nicholas Nagle, Brandy
     Warner, Dan Greenwood, Brittany
     Leutz, Benjamin Hansen, Kennedy
    OM Tricks 
     Pickos, Adam 
     Greenwood, Samuel 
     Sharkey, Jared 
     Haines, Quinn 
     Lang, Nicholas 
     Stallings, Garrett 

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