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  • Introducing Versatail: A new dimension in fine tuning



    VersaTail (patent pending) is the first and only interchangeable tail system. In the past, subtle tweaks in water ski geometry and construction are all that has differentiated the myriad of options available. This revolutionary design gives skiers the ability to alter the geometry and fine tune the ski to their preferences. Changing these tail blocks will alter the flow of water off the tail of the ski, taking a step beyond the standard fin and binding position adjustments. If you find yourself in a different water temperature simply try another shape to get your tail higher or lower in the water.

    Square - A square tail shape that adds lift, support, and provides a clean release of water for speed.

    Round - The round tail lets the ski sit deeper in the water into the turn, adding control at higher speeds for quicker turns and reduced tail blow out

    Round to Square - Allows the ski to ride deeper in the water on left turns and provides more tip pressure on right hand turns. This may benefit the skier on their onside and offside turns depending on their strength and style.

    Square to Round - Allows the ski to ride deeper in the water on right turns and provides more tip pressure on left hand turns. This may benefit the skier on their onside and offside turns depending on their strength and style.



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