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  • SplashEye – AWSA Partnership for Low Cost CVJ Replacement


    SplashEye is pleased to announce a partnership with AWSA to provide a low cost replacement for Corson Video Jump systems. Many sites still use XP Computers for Jump Measurement that are way past the end of their natural life. SplashEye can now provide a low cost replacement - %24700 for AWSA members %E2%80%93 a discount of %24300.

    "AWSA is excited about its new partnership with SplashEye. SplashEye has become the cutting edge choice for video jump, slalom gates, and trick timing at our competition tournaments. We are excited about SplashEyes new one grid jump video system which will allow tournament sites to install and use SplashEye at a price point that fits our tournament site budgets. And to have a special rate just for AWSA members is a partnership we are really excited about and we hope SplashEye will be added to hundreds of tournaments this summer. " Jeff Surdej %E2%80%93 AWSA President

    The system is a Windows 10 compatible single grid measurement system (measures the normal 90 feet per grid based on camera setup). It's a simple switch for your current Corson system. Just provide a Windows 10, Intel based laptop, download the software and plug in the supplied USB Video Capture Device. No changes necessary to your grids or camera setups.


    About SplashEye:

    SplashEye supplies Tournament WaterSki software solutions around the world.

    Jump Measurement

    Slalom Gates Judging

    End Course Tracking

    Trick Timing

    Established for more than 20 years and installed in more than 80 sites worldwide SplashEye is a leader in WaterSki Tournament Software Systems.



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