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mounting radar sequence plate


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  • Baller
I know the info is here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it with searching.  Does anyone have the illustration as how to mount the plate, I'm looking for the placement of bushing etc... thanks a lot.  I know it in the package that it came in but the wife has long tossed that in the garbage.  thanks
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  • Baller

ok I got one of us drunk, didn't seem to help. 

 I must have the older thinner plate because when I put the 'threaded neck washer' which by the way isn't threaded and the white bushing underneith it and tighten I have a bit of play because the top portion or neck of the washer is too long/tall and I have play between the lock washer and plate and neck washer.  I just inserted some bushings onto the top of the neck washer to take up this play, but I'm not sure it's correct but at least it wont have the play which is annoying.  Maybe that's it, or perhaps I should source a thicker plate or shorter neck washers.  I did get all the hardware from Radar so I'm sure this is the correct hardware.  thanks all. 

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  • Baller

thanks Shane, so yours clicked as well?  ok, i'll try what you did and sand it a bit because the clicking just didn't seem right to me.  I don't think the rear screws click.  next question, how did you sand something that small?


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