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BallOfSpray Eagle Vests... maybe


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I am toying with making vest with the web site logo. If I did something like the mock up below would you want one. Price would $00.02 more than the same vest from Eagle ($135.00). I am not sure about the front image but I like the back one. Need to get a feel on interest before I spend time on art. Please let me know.















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Scot, I'm sure that Eagle would be glad to make the extra floatation vest for you...without involvement in a group buy. I think there is a nominal extra charge.  Like Richard, I also was in on the extra flotation group buy arranged through Tadd....best money I spent on skiing all year...love the vest.  It also works great wearing underneath a drysuit this time of year.  Comparing mine to the standard ones, it seems as though they just add an extra layer of flotation in the rear of the vest.   A longshot, but I'd start by checking to see if Tadd had any leftover.

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  • Baller

Maybe just BOS on the back?


As long as it is a little longer in front than some of these belly revealing vests that are out there. :)


Extra flotation is a good thing! Call me old fashioned, but I still like a strap and buckle in front.

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  • Baller
Ok...just a dumb girl opinion but...I think a BOS vest should ACTUALLY HAVE a "Big ball of SPRAY" on it! Blue water spray with some silver grey....and sparkle silver for the gals/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif Ski slicing through the water would say "Ball Of Spray"....Well,  I would buy one anyway...LOL
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I hear you guys..... I like the back Zip. As far as the big ball.... someone has to design it.
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Can you say "When Harry Met Sally"...this reminds me of the restaraunt scene when Sally was ordering lunch...."can I have the Ball of Spray logo on the side, and make it blue, but not too much blue, oh and do you have extra flotation; but not too much flotation becasue that makes me look fat, (no that is the fat that makes you look fat not the flotation); and could I get a front zip double buckle; but not he snap buckles, I like the double pinch buckles because they are easy to get off; and if you could make me one in a large but mark it a medium so that my ski buddies don't think I am so fat that would be nice......."
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Skibug, that was great!

... On as side note, (and Horton you could chime in) Any interest in a BOS decal? I can make decals, and I could pretty easly make the BOS lettering logo. Where would you put it? Your Boat! Your Car! Your Ski! I could make them and mail them out to BOS Members for a nominal charge. (say $15 per decal for a 2 foot long) Im not looking to get rich here, just cover my costs!


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In the end I (the guy making the order) have to find a design at least 10 of you like. At this point I am not even sure I need to personally love it.

I tend to go for basic black and simple graphics. Color changes are not a big deal but logo graphic are a one time design per order

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http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/chorsley.CGX/Desktop/EagleDemoFront.jpgNot sure how to add the image...  just an attachement...














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  • Baller

Ok...maybe this...Have you ever taken a picture of a skier just coming out of the water? All you see is the bottom of the ski and BIG ball of water surrounding the skier...can't even see the skier! Put BOS on the bottom of the ski, just like you have on the front. The water (BOS) would cover the entire back of the vest and mabe splashing on to the front! A????? Oh..water in "Tiffany Blue" of course!/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif 

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I'll have to talk to some people to see how different you should treat the graphics because neoprene is so stretchy. I'm going to guess that pointilism will be more ideal for the material.


Take it with a grain of salt, I don't think I'll be in the ordering pool: The older script "Ball of Spray" font would look good going down the front. Modifying the text to look like ink running down would add a little more visual appeal. Not sure if I would want to put anything on the back.  



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I think this is the back


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This is option one for the front














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Option #2 for the fronthttp://lh5.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/TOCfjk8eF7I/AAAAAAAAEZg/0lxVpEuJGvI/s800/EagleDemoFront.jpg













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I know everyone wants something a little different but I can only do one thing at a time. For the font designs it is one or the other for everyone.




I am doing front zip first because I think more skiers like it. The text has to be white. I think I can change the neoprene color for each vest. I assume I will be getting at least 2 ladies vests.



There might/could be an H2Oz logo on the side panel. Tadd and I have talk about it.



If I can get 10 confirmed orders for one design or another, I will get the first run going.



I am open or other designs but for your design to be “the one” you need 10 other skiers to agree.


Good luck on that!


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Front zip= easier to get on and a hell of a lot easier to get off. I'm 19, flexible, strong.... and I hate the pull over why do I want to struggle with my self,while looking like an idiot, after I am tired from taking my sets for the day. Pull over may be hip and cool but a PITA =)
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Mad11 - my guess is the age group buying pull overs from you is mostly under 30?  I only know 2 skiers using pull overs and they both wish they hadn't bought them.

John - Option 2 with a buckled waist strap, USCG Approved floatation.  I'm Buyer #1 for this style if anyone else is interested in it.


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The first couple months MS had a pull over vest....shoulder was getting screwed up! He was just pulling it over his head and getting stuckhttp://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif Then someone showed him how to do it....gotta stick one of your arms down through the arm hole FIRST...then comes off alot easier! Also..his second vest he ordered is a pull over with a back bottom zip...now it's no big deal for him, and he's kinda oldhttp://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif The back bottom zip also helps the vest from getting stretched out! Just sayinhttp://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif
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Crap. let me ask Chuck if I can mix styles. If I there is a enough demand I will do 12 of each
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  • Baller
Re: Eagle Sizing....The Medium is recommended for 36-38 Chest/ 27-29 waist, Large for 39-41 Chest/ 30-32 waist....XL for 42-44 Chest/ 33-35 waist...XXL 45-48 Chest/36-38 waist . As pointed out by Eagle..the vests are designed to fit tight...and do loosen up a bit once in the water...
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