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  • Baller_
Sorry to bring it up here, but I can't seem to post on TWSF since Kent changed the program. My old password doesn't work, and when I try to change my password, I get an error report with instructions to contact the administrator, which I can't do if I can't log in. Would someone that posts both here and there alert Kent to this issue and ask him to let me back in? Sorry JH for using your site for this purpose. If I have to buy a life jacket or something to remain in good standing, please let me know.


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buying a vest would make my happier.

You can email Kent. I think he is good about returning his email. kent@thewaterskiforum.com

I wish none of you ever went to other sites but Kent is a good man....

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Yes that is funny - but I firmly belive that BOS is a success because I moderate the content. Lets just not go down this path...

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Ed, I don’t want to know what you inserted to think something was cheap or trash.

My thoughs were to leave it open and people could fill in the blanks with something cute and silly. That's just me; happy go lucky and wearing a smile.

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Do you guys not understand that I will not allow readers to jab each other? I can not tell when it is an inside joke or you are friends. You guys see Eric and Smart and others screw with each other -please understand that is all in fun – we are really friends.

If you are going to make insinuations or rude remarks about each other and  you are not really friends, I know of 3 other forums where you will be welcome. When ever I catch on that a user is really being a dick, they are out of here.

I pay for the hosting, I make the rules. I do not know if you guys are just playing or not, so just stop.

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