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  • Baller

Anyone have experience with the Goode powervest? If so, what were your likes /dislikes and what model do you have? Looks like they have 3 different models now; the original vest, the slider vest, and the elite slide that has a shorter back board and no waist belt.


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  • Baller


I recently purchased the slide. After getting use to it, It's great! Admittedly, It's a little cumbersome at first. Dave good was very helpful in Assisting me with the setup. It's a bit of a disconnected Feel but once you get in the rhythm your fine. I haven't skied in approximately 7 months do to a back injury. it does very good job in eliminating load on your upper body. I skied multiple sets with it and only experienced tenderness in my biceps. if you have any upper body injuries that you need to protect, or would like the ability to ski longer sets, the power vest is the ticket!

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  • Baller


Yes that's correct, It's designed to give you the support without limiting your reach. A friend of mine who has bad shoulders and has had surgery On them tried it the other day And said it worked perfectly! I know that when I'm using it I feel no strain in my shoulders whatsoever.

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