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The state of our professional tournaments


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Why can I not find a single website, blog, facebook page, etc and find detailed results from the Sac Gold Rush or LA Night Jump? I downloaded the Ball of Spray app and I like where you are going with it but we need more than just tweets. I already follow all those who are tweeting on twitter. You wonder why the sport is suffering from a lack of fans and exposure. At least with the Masters I could go to their website and get complete standings and results.
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  • Baller

This really is a big problem. Webcast TV helps a lot but its not always available. If you can't get the event to the fans, then its a big swing and a miss. If we can get it on TV, we have a much better chance of getting some new interest in our sport. The sports programs this time of year suck anyway, I would think there would be plenty of room for a waterski event.


I know, sponsors, etc etc. But the powers to be need to find a way to get through this.

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  • Baller

@D-Law glad you like BallOfScores. Did you download version 2.0? There is an archived scores section that shows the final scores from the events. Scores from Night Jam are on there only because I sat around that night reading the tweeds when the feed was down and updated the app. As for them not publishing the scores them selves I blame the web/social media person.


Regarding Gold Rush I have put an email out to get scores. I am on the road right now and do jot have the time to go through tweets and Facebook posts to get scores.


Pro events in the US I assume post the scores on AWSA's site under tournament results. Not sure how long it takes them to do so though.


Horton you know I have the scores from te events already I can send them over if you want.


WaterSki Webcasts suck when was the last time one actually worked?? I do not remember. That was one of the reasons behind BallOfScores.


Pro Tour website? Doubt that will happen to many different people put on events and I dout they would want to communicate with eachother. Dana does a great job with theproskitour.com and te events they put on.

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