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Filling screw holes in a ski??


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  • Baller

Grab some epoxy putty at your local home improvement store. It's the easiest stuff to work with in the world. I had a crushed tail of an old CDX-1 that I fixed with the stuff just for grins. Just cut off a slice, roll it around until the color is uniform (2 parts mixed) and push it into the hole. It cures in 5 minutes, even underwater. Sand it smooth and you're good to go.


Before finding this wonderful stuff, I used to just cram some plumbers putty in the holes. Not as permanent, but pretty water resistant.

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  • Baller
that epoxy putty is really good stuff. I have an old EP that I use as a barefoot step ski. About 15 years ago I stepped off and footed one way, then the driver said I should deep up and he would pull me back to the ski. The tail of the ski, behind the rear toe, got hit by the outboard skeg. Nearly sheared it off. Got some putty, put it in and cured it. I still have that old EP today, and it works just fine for what it gets used for!
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  • Baller
If you are just trying to seal the hole, use a candle trip wax in the hole. Let it harden then use a razor blade to cut flush with ski top. Works great, and is fast. I have been using for 20+ years.
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