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Grip. Should I change it?


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Last night I was looking through some waterski mags when it suddenly hit me that all these LFF skiers were using the opposite grip from what I use (also LFF). I use a RFF skiers grip with left palm up, instead of how I'm supposed to do it with my left palm down. So is that really a big deal, and what am a missing out on by using the wrong grip, besides getting a more balanced offside? Today I'm probably going to start using the different grip, so how long would you guess it will take me to get used to it? Thanks.
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  • Baller
I noticed the same thing about my grip several years and made the commitment to change it. Surprisingly, this was harder for me to do than I expected, and felt more awkward than I ever would have realized. I found that it helped me open up my shoulders a bit and evened out my pull. There are some great skiers who ski with the so called "wrong" hand down/up. For me however, I am glad I changed
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  • Baller
If you have trouble making the change just wait until the start of next season. Visualizing releasing the handle and skiing back to it with the proper grip will help. And yeah do it you will be more balanced.
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Just got off the water with the new grip. Picked it up right away, and I coudn't thank you guys enough for convincing me. My gate and offside is so much better, I'm getting so much more angle and speed. I felt so much more controlled and smooth I couldn't believe the difference it made, thanks guys.
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  • Baller
I am working on the same thing. It feels better but the muscles are different and weak. I misgrip once in a while. A MM skier told me last week to change the grip and that Andy Mapple made him do it years ago. I will try davemacs suggestion.
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  • Gold Member

Chiming in a bit on the late side here, but I did this about 15 years ago and it was both quicker to get used to and more beneficial than I expected.


In helps with symmetry and also seems to make it easier to get the shoulders more squared to the boat.

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  • Baller

Wow, I don't mean to be a Wet Blanket here, but if your a New School type skier, I don't feel it makes much difference. My offside is better with a reverse grip, and my onside can be to strong, and to long as it is. I know skiing the Nano, my biggest problem is over powering the ski. I constantly have to work on backing off. Especially as the rope gets shorter. The skis are faster and less effort, and ZO can propel you, sometimes more than you want it to.


Bottom line, is what feels good to you. I feel where you place your hips and shoulders is much more effective..............ED.

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  • Baller
For those who may have difficulty with changing their grip: Most people I know spend more time driving than they do skiing. So, put that time to good use. Take a break from holding the steering wheel at "10 and 2." Grab it at the top or bottom in the center using the desired slalom handle grip. Do this while driving down that straight, long road to no where... Eventually, this will feel normal. That feeling of normalcy will transfer to the ski handle.
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