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Now what??


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  • Baller_
So, after a huge crash just after the 4th of July, I began the long hunt for a new ski. Mine, of course, must not be working for me anymore. I had been tweaking the fin (ended up with just a mini ventral) and just could not get the ski to be all the things I needed it to be. Ski must be worn out and broken down. Ya that's it, that's the ticket. So after months of testing skies and really liking 2 of them, I decided to try the old dog again. I got a suggestion from a BOS skier (sorry cant remember who but thanks) to add depth to the fin to make a more stable ride with only the mini vent. So did that, rode it 2 days ago and matched my average of the 2 skis I liked. This morning I trounced it. Ran up the line off the dock and got 1@39 and just inside of 2 ball. Crap!! So now what?...... new ski or stay with the old. Aarrgh!!!!
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  • Baller_
Liked: HO Coefficient X sl, and D3 Z7 ST. Old dog: Goode 9800sl Ran the 2 I liked through mid 38s, and had all the test skis for a week each and 5-7 sets on them all accept the D3. Just 2 sets on it.
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  • Baller
Keep the old one for a back up and buy a new one to ride....you can always go back to the old shoe. I am in the same boat; that is what my decision has been. I figure I have already rationalized and justified the financial committment; and, if the old ski (or the new ski) breaks; you have a fall back with no down time.
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  • Baller_
No but did try a Mid Back in March that I did like. It was physically easier on my body (which is one the rationals for new). But at the time I was running a mini vent and a standard fin. Removed the Standard fin and kept the vent. Not so much work on the body anymore.
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