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What to do about this??


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  • Baller_
Lily pad that has shown up in my lake in the last week or so. We saw a few a month ago but now there are hundreds. They are growing in 12 to 20 feet of water. Cant find any growing in water less than 6 feet. Leaf is the size of a softball or smaller. The stems are spaghetti thin. When pulled, the stem breaks a few feet below the water. The lake is in central Florida. It is a small fresh water lake. It seems these could get out of control (kinda are already) very fast considering how quick they popped up. I've had no luck IDing them via computer. Anyone have an idea of what kind of lily it is and how to control it. This is not a lake we can dye or anything. Just lookn to ID and thoughts on control methods.
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  • Baller_

Just got off the lake with the DEP. Turns out to be a native plant that has decided to take a shot at growing in deep water. It looks like a tiny version of what grows along the shores. It also looks very similar (almost identical) to a non native and very invasive lily. So lessons learned


Pay attention to any changes to your lake big or small.

Assume nothing. Get the pros to identify a plant, animal or whatever biological change is happening.

Work with your local officials and get appropriate permits.



We now have a permit to deal with this plant even thow it's native. Thanks for the above info.

Anyone know the best place to get Rodio herbicide??




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