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"Muhlitner Method"


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Matt Brown has some new slalom idea called "Muhlitner Method". I think he and MB are up to something. I can't get him go on the record about it.
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  • Baller

Rob's a cool dude. It will be interesting to see what he and MB have in common. I do see Rob as a more "light on the line" type of skier, though. He said something to me (a couple of years ago) however, that I have never grasped.... It was, I need to wait to re-grasp the handle UNTIL I get 1/2 way back to the wakes from the buoy (line)....


A recent conversation motivated me to video an accomplished skier by standing EXACTLY AT the ball line, to see where he releasees/re-grasps the handle. I have watched the video quite a few times to come to my own conclusion....


It will be interesting to see what MB is touting from RM....



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I believe what he may be referring to is that when you "Slide," not turn, off the apex, you should be in a counter-rotated position with the rear hand back. As you "Slide" COM towards the wake, you will be accelerating and covering a fair amount of distance very quickly. The wait part is NOT reaching for the handle, but skiing the rear hand on the hip, to the handle, at the end of the slide.

The wake part could include the white water, which you will be close to at the end of the slide. Now the 2nd hand is on the handle to leverage COM.

Hope I didn't confuse you more. This is easy for me to visualize but harder to explain.......ED

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  • Baller
yes we have been playing around with the "muhlitner method" as of late and pretty much have it dialed in...however...there is one last missing ingredient that we just can't quite put our finger on. We are having problems finding the perfect amount of Corona's we must consume to produce the desired "flamingo" front knee syndrome shown in exhibit A above so kindly offered by mr. smart. It's not just the amount, but also the timing. It appears that prime consumption occurs between the hours of 2:00 and 3:30pm. We've heard/seen that Richelle has the proper stats but she is very reluctant to give up that kind of info
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Dude, for the last time - Coors Light not Corona. No wonder you are missing 41.

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The Master almost never bends his knees much


From Great Lakes June 09


From Great Lakes June 09


From Great Lakes June 09


From Great Lakes June 09


From Great Lakes June 09
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Rob has only shared one of his skiing secrets with me, always ski over or in front of the right hand gate ball. Whether you go over or in front of it (early) depends on who is in the tower, how good their eyes are, if they face into a glare, how many Coronas they drank, etc. He teaches this matters more than improving technique, and is easier to achieve.


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  • Baller

If straight knees are the heart of the technique, it should be called the Matli Method. Her inspirational return to top form despite (or maybe because of) no knee flexibility is worthy of bragging rights to the style.


Why are Rob's knees so locked? Did he contract west nile also? How exactly did he get infected - can west nile be transmitted THAT way?


Knee bend is overrated - as are Coronas. Steel Reserve is underrated - as is actually making the entry gates.



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. He knows rules better than the rule book, allowing him to maximize his reride potential. Locking the knees allows the quaff to flow straight back -- not all sideways like MB. He rarely runs out of beer, even when sharing with strange Russians. He never uses a wing. Rob rolls old school, yet he lives in the future.
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  • Baller
Pretty much for my whole waterskiing career every time someone has gotten in the boat to give me a few pointers they have said... "you need to bend your knees more." My urge has always been to say back, "maybe you should straighten yours?" Now I'm justified!
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I have...






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At shortline 36 what you see in that image is common right at edge change. He is tall on the ski most of the time.
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