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68" Strada for Sale Asking $600


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  • Baller

I appreciate the offer Jody, thank you. Right now I have absolutely no clue what I'll do for the next ski (back on my trusty MPD for now) but I don't think the Elite is anything that would work for my hacker skiing style. I am open to trade offers though if anyone has anything similar in value/performance to the Strada. Might possibly be interested in a Fusion...



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  • Baller
Hey Ed I have an RS1 but it has a couple of handle dings only one summer on it but I do ski three times a week for the last five months. However, I did see on ski it again that there is a guy trying to sell 67 MPD brand new for 325. SIA17067 you should check them out.
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  • Baller
If the deal is right I would definitely consider a trade for your strada. I kinda want to ski on one. What didn't you like about it? I won't be ready to talk serious about it till the middle/end of this month. Going to ski at the tournament in katy and we pulled our course out this morning. So I wouldn't have time to adjust to a new ride. My RS1 is a 68. I can email you some pics of my handle dings. I have a radar bag also so if you wanna keep yours that fine with me.
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  • Baller

We can chat about it. I'd like to see some pic's of yours, I'll take some of mine and we can swap pics etc. Shoot me an e-mail ed @ ez-slalom dot com.


I tend to ski more back on the ski. The sharper bevels on the MPD/RS1 just work better for how I ski I guess. I've skied well on the Strada but I'm not nearly as consistent as I'd like to be, the MPD just works better for my skiing style. I'm told the RS1 is the same mould as the MPD, just used different resin (different flex?) so I'm making as assumption it will work much like the MPD does but I've never skied one. Opinions from the forum on that would be appreciated.



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