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Pinky Finger Tendonitis - not a joke


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Pinky Finger Tendonitis: Any one ever heard of this? Could it be from using a bent handle? Not sure it really effects my grip but is messing with my head. Is wierd. Both joints on each hand are tender.


.... Jones is wondering how long it is going to be before I call for pro advise.

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  • Baller
For a month now I have had something like that on my left hand. I use a straight handle. Pretty painful. If I stopped skiing for a week maybe it would heal. To stupid to do that and give up the great weather we have now with glass every day. Easier to take a couple aspirn and ski. Soon the cold fronts will start moving through with windy days, I'll let it heal then.
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  • Baller
Had the same thing. One of the first rides I did this year I grabbed the handle too close to the bridle rope (with some slack too) and pulled hard. The rope crushed my middle knuckle and ouch. broke it ! It was that day I switched (finally after 40+ yrs of slalom) my hands to the right orientation and bought a wider, curved handle to prevent it happening again. Pinky's still crooked but less pain. It'll go away in a year or two!
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  • Baller

Broke my ring finger, middle knuckle on handle some years ago. Just kept skiing. Now have a wedding ring w/a hinge in it!

D-law and behind propellers, both of you complain of ulnar neuropathy. Could be from nerve compression at neck, shoulder, or elbow. My bet is elbow where it comes around the medial epicondyle. Some will need ulnar nerve transposition to fix.

Nerve conduction study (EMG) would confirm diagnosis.


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Yea I changed gloves and liners for about 3 sets when I was skiing on the Unicorn. Think all tendons are just in need of winter.
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  • Baller
I get that kind of issue when I try new gloves that are too tight for the first few sets. Also had to cut the sleeves off at the elbow on my Eagle heater shirt. Was getting arm pump like I was riding bikes again because it was too tight. Looks cooler now too.
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  • Baller

I have cysts on the tendons that are in the palm of my left hand and they have really weakened my ring and middle fingers from the constant irritation. Some days it hurts just to shake off the last few drops in the bathroom. There is some new technique where they inject the cysts with some plasma and they dissolve. I am making an appointment with the hand specialist to talk about it. Surgery can leave scar tissue and may not improve the condition for a skier.


For now, I went back to Clincher style gloves. Some days are better than others, but I have missed the handle grab a few times getting my left hand back on the handle. My hand just doesn't function like it use to, sort of like everything else after I hit 50.

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  • Baller

Actually, I have Dupuytren's on my right hand between my little finger and ring finger, but it has no effect on skiing except I wear my gloves out on that spot due to it being a raised bump.


The cysts have been called "trigger fingers" by one Dr. and I had cortizone shots at the base of my ring and middle finger at the beginning of the season to see if they would help. They didn't do a lot.


I'm sure a two year layoff with severe golfers elbow (from a football game) and added weight isn't helping, but normal day to day functions like opening doors or grabbing stuff are a bother at this point. Need to have surgery or see if this new procedure might work.


I'm happy to be back on the water and running some passes at this point.


Here is a link describing trigger finger, which is what I have been diagnosed with. If your finger is real sore at the base of your finger where it meets the palm, this causes a chain reaction up into the finger. Pulling my finger to the side is very painful, like using a scissor motion with your fingers.



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  • Baller

Usually trigger finger causes the finger to lock or stick in the bent position, then have to forcefully pop it straight. I tell patients their flexor tendons are like a rope and it goes thru a series of pullies. If there is a knot in the rope, it will catch going through the pully (it's really a sheath, but the analogy helps!)

I've had good success with injections most of the time, but I would bet 1/3 of mine go on to surgery.

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  • Baller

Called the hand specialist today. Must be the profession to get into. First appointment is Jan 25.

I told nurse I would bring in donuts if she got me in sooner on the 40 person call list.


I hope recovery isn't too long!



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  • Baller
I guess anyone who doesn't have this affliction yet should just go ahead and make an appointment now in anticipation of needing to see one of these rare birds.....hope all that are experiencing this condition get the help they need and are back to skiing sooner than later.
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