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2011 poll


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  • Gold Member

Wow, based on early poll results (see top left corner), nearly 2/3 of us had our best season in 2011!?


That seems amazing, and doubly so given that this forum's participants skew a little on the old side.


Maybe people only click on the poll if they had a great season in 2011? Or is Ball of Spray just so useful that merely by hanging around here you ski better than ever before!?


Maybe we're senile and we just *think* we're skiing better?

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  • Baller
Best season is a bit of a subjective thing. Did I beat my PB -- nope. Still my best season. At 48 years old for the first time in my career I just spanked 35s one after another after another this summer. My typical training sets were a tournament set into 38, followed by 2-4 35s at the end. Out of the water for a turn, then back in for 6-8 35 off passes. Low energy, tight line, effortless passes. I've never done that before. That being said, my success at purple was still about the same as in 2010. That one I need to figure out in the spring! Nevertheless, definitely my best season because I improved technically and was extremely consistent.
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  • Baller
Best season is a bit of a subjective thing. Did I beat my PB -- nope. Still my best season. At 48 years old for the first time in my career I just spanked 35s one after another after another this summer. My typical training sets were a tournament set into 38, followed by 2-4 35s at the end. Out of the water for a turn, then back in for 6-8 35 off passes. Low energy, tight line, effortless passes. I've never done that before. That being said, my success at purple was still about the same as in 2010. That one I need to figure out in the spring! Nevertheless, definitely my best season because I improved technically and was extremely consistent.
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  • Baller

More successful 35's this season than last two combined including 11 of 12 in tourneys. Successful 38's same, but around 4 and 5 ball way more frequently. I blew some really early 5 balls...whiskers away from doubling or tripling my successful 38 frequency. Set new practice PB w/2 @ 39. Equaled my tourney PB two of twelve rounds and w/in one buoy of it a number more. Some is ongoing technique refinement, some the new ski/binding/fin/wing set up. The way the Razor runs for me right now...best set up ever.

Really feeling positive about potential next year given will start on this set-up.

Cool that so many others rocked it this year!

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  • Baller

More successful 35's this season than last two combined including 11 of 12 in tourneys. Successful 38's same, but around 4 and 5 ball way more frequently. I blew some really early 5 balls...whiskers away from doubling or tripling my successful 38 frequency. Set new practice PB w/2 @ 39. Equaled my tourney PB two of twelve rounds and w/in one buoy of it a number more. Some is ongoing technique refinement, some the new ski/binding/fin/wing set up. The way the Razor runs for me right now...best set up ever.

Really feeling positive about potential next year given will start on this set-up.

Cool that so many others rocked it this year!

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  • Baller

I only did two touraments this year, but I was able to stay pretty consistent. I was averaging 4@32 off in practice, I got between 2-4@32off 5 out of six rounds in two tournaments. I picked up at tip at my second tournament that started helping me run 32off and get into 35. If I had calm water I got into 35off 6 out of my last 7 sets(practice) before the seaon wrapped up..


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  • Baller

I only did two touraments this year, but I was able to stay pretty consistent. I was averaging 4@32 off in practice, I got between 2-4@32off 5 out of six rounds in two tournaments. I picked up at tip at my second tournament that started helping me run 32off and get into 35. If I had calm water I got into 35off 6 out of my last 7 sets(practice) before the seaon wrapped up..


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  • Baller
I for one had a crappy sseason, except for the last 4 - 6 weeks. Spent the entire season trying to make my Strada ski work with Strada boots. Love the ski, love the boots, but for me the combo just doesn't work. Finally jumped back on my trusty MPD with D3 Leverage bindings, immediately was right back in mid 35 which is where I should have been in early July. At least it ended on a good note which gives me hope for next season. There's always next season...
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  • Baller
I for one had a crappy sseason, except for the last 4 - 6 weeks. Spent the entire season trying to make my Strada ski work with Strada boots. Love the ski, love the boots, but for me the combo just doesn't work. Finally jumped back on my trusty MPD with D3 Leverage bindings, immediately was right back in mid 35 which is where I should have been in early July. At least it ended on a good note which gives me hope for next season. There's always next season...
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  • Baller

This was my best season in terms of numbers of sets skied (despite a month-and-a-half off due to a broken foot) and in terms of improvement. I'd never skied a tournament before this year, but I made it to five this summer and turned in PB's at every one of them. I spent the first month of the season at 26mph trying to iron out bad habits and finished the season skiing 34mph smooth and easy. Early and wide. I'm looking forward to chopping line next year!


I owe much of my improvement and enjoyment to this site and all that follow it. Thank you very gal dern much!

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  • Baller

This was my best season in terms of numbers of sets skied (despite a month-and-a-half off due to a broken foot) and in terms of improvement. I'd never skied a tournament before this year, but I made it to five this summer and turned in PB's at every one of them. I spent the first month of the season at 26mph trying to iron out bad habits and finished the season skiing 34mph smooth and easy. Early and wide. I'm looking forward to chopping line next year!


I owe much of my improvement and enjoyment to this site and all that follow it. Thank you very gal dern much!

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  • Baller
Ed, maybe try the leverage on the strada. I struggled with strada bindings on the Razor. Went back to my D3 w/leverage and was right back where I was last year. Last ditch effort before giving up on the Razor I put leverage on Razor and whooped up on last year. For me it was the binding, not the ski and had I not tried the leverage/Razor combo would really have missed out.
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  • Baller
Ed, maybe try the leverage on the strada. I struggled with strada bindings on the Razor. Went back to my D3 w/leverage and was right back where I was last year. Last ditch effort before giving up on the Razor I put leverage on Razor and whooped up on last year. For me it was the binding, not the ski and had I not tried the leverage/Razor combo would really have missed out.
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  • Baller
I did do that 6balls and you're right, it did make a huge difference. Which kinda sucks, spent all that money on the bindings and I do like them. Just can't make them work with that ski. First season on the Strada (last year) with the Leverage I was rocking it. This year it's gotten in my head so bad that I had to go back to Old Reliable to get straightened out. The Strada is for sale (great ski if anyone is interested, 68", $600 which is a good deal...) cause it's in my head so bad. If I don't get it sold I'll go back to it (with the Leverage's on it) next spring, but I also picked up a really nice RS1 (same mould as the MPD) that I've skied on a couple of times and really like. So many skis, so little water time...
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  • Baller
I did do that 6balls and you're right, it did make a huge difference. Which kinda sucks, spent all that money on the bindings and I do like them. Just can't make them work with that ski. First season on the Strada (last year) with the Leverage I was rocking it. This year it's gotten in my head so bad that I had to go back to Old Reliable to get straightened out. The Strada is for sale (great ski if anyone is interested, 68", $600 which is a good deal...) cause it's in my head so bad. If I don't get it sold I'll go back to it (with the Leverage's on it) next spring, but I also picked up a really nice RS1 (same mould as the MPD) that I've skied on a couple of times and really like. So many skis, so little water time...
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  • Baller

Hey Ed,

For me spring '11 decision came down to risk. Do I jump to Razor and Strada's from 20 yr history of KD/D3 and rubber bindings, or do I get new D3 hoping for progressive evolution to improve? Wasn't easy and I dorked around until August with both skis, then finally put leverage on Razor. Like many of us I was really looking for something to get me to the next level, and thankfully arrived there.

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  • Baller

Hey Ed,

For me spring '11 decision came down to risk. Do I jump to Razor and Strada's from 20 yr history of KD/D3 and rubber bindings, or do I get new D3 hoping for progressive evolution to improve? Wasn't easy and I dorked around until August with both skis, then finally put leverage on Razor. Like many of us I was really looking for something to get me to the next level, and thankfully arrived there.

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  • Baller
2011 was a mixed bag for me. At times skied better than I have in years (technique wise) but not score wise. Sometimes felt like I was making significant improvement other times felt like I had never done this stuff before.
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  • Baller
2011 was a mixed bag for me. At times skied better than I have in years (technique wise) but not score wise. Sometimes felt like I was making significant improvement other times felt like I had never done this stuff before.
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  • Baller

I'll call 2011 a success for me, only because it didn't end in surgery like '10 and '09 did. Wasn't allowed to ski until August this year, and only skied in 1 weekend tourney, so I dropped out of level 8 for the first time in 4 years. Still, I had my best 35 ever this year. It felt like an easy 32. Couldn't replicate it though.


Looking forward to next season!!

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  • Baller

I'll call 2011 a success for me, only because it didn't end in surgery like '10 and '09 did. Wasn't allowed to ski until August this year, and only skied in 1 weekend tourney, so I dropped out of level 8 for the first time in 4 years. Still, I had my best 35 ever this year. It felt like an easy 32. Couldn't replicate it though.


Looking forward to next season!!

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  • Baller

2011 was a success for me, majority of 2009 and 2010 were lost due to injuries and medical issues. The first time I ran 32 was on 9/7/2008 and only ran it 4 times the remainder of 2008 (I know because I was just looking at my old ski log yesterday). This year I will run over 100 32's and I set a new PPB with 3@35; I don't ski tournaments. Also, rode 6 different skis (A2, Fusion, Elite 65.5 & 67, Sans Rival) looking for the holy grail only to wind up back on my old faithful Nomad RC.


But, most important of all is that the injuries were minimal, only one week off due to tweaked back. I will ski for about 1 more month; but, I don't expect to make any significant gains in the cold/wind and hope to stay healthy.

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  • Baller

2011 was a success for me, majority of 2009 and 2010 were lost due to injuries and medical issues. The first time I ran 32 was on 9/7/2008 and only ran it 4 times the remainder of 2008 (I know because I was just looking at my old ski log yesterday). This year I will run over 100 32's and I set a new PPB with 3@35; I don't ski tournaments. Also, rode 6 different skis (A2, Fusion, Elite 65.5 & 67, Sans Rival) looking for the holy grail only to wind up back on my old faithful Nomad RC.


But, most important of all is that the injuries were minimal, only one week off due to tweaked back. I will ski for about 1 more month; but, I don't expect to make any significant gains in the cold/wind and hope to stay healthy.

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  • Baller

So answers are very different than what we old farts usually tell at the dock before a tourney...


Question "So how are you today for the tourney"?


Answer(s) "Well, you know, have not had too much water time lately" (meaning I have put solidly 2-3 sets a day over the last 6 weeks), "Have not skied well lately" (meaning I have PB'ed every other set last week), "I do not have high expectations for this tourney" (meaning if I do not PB by at least two buoys I will be in pain and misery all next week).

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  • Baller

So answers are very different than what we old farts usually tell at the dock before a tourney...


Question "So how are you today for the tourney"?


Answer(s) "Well, you know, have not had too much water time lately" (meaning I have put solidly 2-3 sets a day over the last 6 weeks), "Have not skied well lately" (meaning I have PB'ed every other set last week), "I do not have high expectations for this tourney" (meaning if I do not PB by at least two buoys I will be in pain and misery all next week).

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  • Baller
@Razorskier1 -- I attribute the success to a couple of different things - 1st lots of practice sets. I skied 5-6 days a week for the entire summer. 2nd Coming into the season in great shape and stronger than ever thanks to Crossfit. 3rd the Nano was working great.
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