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Maximum Speed?


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  • Baller

In association with the 35mph question put forth by Greg for MM, let us discuss the definition of "maximum speed" that only our beloved governing body could define. Each division has a minimum starting speed and a maximum speed, at which shortline begins, right?


Wrong! According to rule 10.06©, the skier in any division may opt to ski as fast as their Open division allows, getting buoy credit, however, for "maximum speed", only. Now ain't that a hoot.


Doesn't that beg the question: how can it be "maximum speed" if one is allowed to opt for a faster speed? Or as Yogi Berra would say, if it hits the "foul pole", making it a fair ball, why do they call it the foul pole?

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  • Baller
I believe the maximum speed rule is very old and it was modified to allow us to ski speeds up to the open division. This was done because some of the skiers did not want to slow down. Skimom (or anyone else for that matter) can correct me if I am mistaken.
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  • Baller
I believe the maximum speed rule is very old and it was modified to allow us to ski speeds up to the open division. This was done because some of the skiers did not want to slow down. Skimom (or anyone else for that matter) can correct me if I am mistaken.
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