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Orange Buoys - How'd They Do?


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  • Baller

First off, my sincere thanks to everyone who supposted our efforts to get PolyForm to put the orange color option back into production this past year. We put a BUNCH of them into circulation this past season and we're sincerely appreciative of all of the support we've gotten from all you Ballers out there. Thank you.


So now that they're out there I'd like to hear some feedback on how well they held up for you. How'd the color hold up fade-wise, how did the buoys hold up physically (have any premature failures?), any other issues to report? PolyForm will be ordering their stock for the next year soon, if I need to attempt to get them to change anything I need some input to go on. Your input and your support is sincerely appreciated. Thank you and Happy Holidays to all.


Ed @ EZ-Slalom

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  • Baller

Ed, they held up great as far as duarbility. I water-filled them and no leaks or shrinkage. The eyelet didn't break or grind down with wear. I think they faded less than the "old-style" Overtons that we have used for years. All in all, I would say a repeat buy at some point.


Here is a picture of them - used for our full season here in NW Ohio.

Sorry the pic isn't great, its in my garage at night with my iphone.

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  • Baller
I plan to order some of the orange buoys for next season. I have a question for anyone out there about the red Polyforms. I've used many brands over the last 20 years and have never had any do what the red Polyforms did. They have discoloration spots that look like black mildew. Won't come off by scrubbing either. Is it the type of material? If so can I expect the orange to do the same? I have other brands in orange and yellow for the trick course and 500 and 600 buoys and they haven't done this.?????
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  • Baller

We had ours in for the entire summer, and while there was some fading, it was not nearly as extreme as the Overton's buoys from years past.


We replaced 3 ball (due to a dog attack in july), with an Overtons buoy we had laying around, it is much more faded than the Polyform buoys, even though it was in the water two fewer months.

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