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trick boat camera


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  • Baller

If you mount the camera too low, you cannot see the ski for surface tricks. If you mount the camera too high, you will not see when the skier gets air. The rules specify a recommended camera placement at the top of the windshield. Clip the fixed camera to the top of the windshield and have the camera person sit on a cushion. You will be legal and give the skier the best judging. Excessive height is not desirable (or fair to the skiers) - regardless of what fancy tournament has used them.


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  • Baller
According to both AWSA rules the camera should be "higher than the top of the windshield" and IWWF says it "should be higher than the top of the windscreen". The problem with clipping the fixed camera to the top of the windshield is that it can be blocked by a tall release person of even a large rooster tail depending on the speed. Putting a camera person on a coushin or even the back of the seat isn't a good solution either because they can be a distraction to the skier. Another problem with the fixed mounted camera is the ability to pan left/right. If you can't pan the camera then you have to zoom out far enough to follow the skier outside the wakes. Especially problematic for flips.
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  • Baller

That camera is too high! With some of the judges we have out there, wake tricks will never score. Except for flips. Maybe that is why flips are so popular now - a nice legal 5 done quickly with minimum air is a tournament scoring variable.

Sitting the camera person on the seat back is stilted. A moderate cushion is optimal.

I have a clever tripod clip that attached the backup camera to the top of the windshield. The view has never been blocked and is a reasonable view. Sideslides after the flip might be hard to see so I'm not comfortable with a fixed camera as a primary. And the camera gets bonked out of alignment occasionally. The backup always seems to be needed a couple of times.

I've never been unable to see and judge what the skier is doing because of a rooster tail. Not a perfect view - but good enough. I can release based on that view as well - far more critical.

Please don't over tech tricks. Get a good camera person, run a backup and select reasonable judges to give the skiers consistent fair runs.


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