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D3 slalom vest in the UK


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  • Baller

The D3 vest is indeed made by eagle. However, they are not exactly the same as the eagle zip front because for some reason they are all tiny! I can just squeeze into a eagle front zip XL vest but couldn't get anyway near getting the XL D3 version on. My wife had the same problem - don't know why they come up smaller.

I don't think eagle vests are available anywhere in the UK - they may well ship them but that might be costly. Got mine in FL last year but had to get it directly from eagle as performance doesn't stock them either.

Worth going to a bit of effort though because they are fantastic vests!

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I thought that might be the case and was reluctant to buy direct from D3 in case I got the sizing wrong. I' ve currently got an O'neill Gooru vest, but I always find that the stitching tears because I have to stretch it so much to get my arm out to take the thing off. Hence the reason I was looking for a front zip alternative.


I notice that Nate uses the D3 vest and looking at his build compared to mine, I would imagine that I would need the size up from whatever he has.

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