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Houston Waterskiing


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Hey, my name's Stuart and I'm moving down to Houston this summer. I've heard that there are a lot of lakes in Houston, but being from the Midwest (until June) I've not been able to really check anything out. Where are the good ski clubs? I'm going to be working in Baytown, and, right now, am planning to live in Midtown. Anything convenient to either of those places?



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  • Baller

@Bear, from Midtown you can essentially pick a freeway and within 45min to 1hr, you can reach a ski lake community. Most ski lakes in the Houston area are home owner developments rather than ski clubs. There is a ski club near Baytown at this link:




And another ski club (with more tournament skiers, but further from Baytown/Midtown) at this link:




If you want to head west to Katy, give me a shout sometime and I would be happy to show you around and give you a pull.



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If you are in Baytown, the most convenient private lake is Terramare. 15 minutes away just north of Crosby. It is a lake subdivision but lots are relatively cheap and there maybe owners who will lease their lake use rights. Awesome 2 lake site with 2 slalom courses and 1 jump.
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