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Good way to ruin a perfect ski day.


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  • Baller
I have to admit, I love surfing after a day of skiing. My body is spent and my arms are gone, and this is a very relaxing way to end the day. I promise @gregy, give it 5 minutes and the water will be glass again brudda!!
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  • Baller
Even worse, last summer noticing a sharp increase in guys out at 5 - 6 AM wakesurfing and to add insult, they are not segmenting themselves to a section of the lake, but going straight down the middle and ruining everyone's water... I enjoy surfing as well (usually with beer in hand), but they receive a one finger wave everytime...
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  • Baller
My Australian cousin who surfs real waves tried it when he was visiting here and said "wow that was boring." It's fun on a Saturday afternoon, but most people I know who do it sucked at waterskiing, wake boarding, wake skating or barefooting and wanted something easier. I can't stand when you're just getting to run a pass and you see the listing mammoth boats plowing down the lake with the everyone in the boat, including the driver looking backwards.
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  • Baller


I'm not doubting your comment about jet skiers but we have a few a__hole wake boarders @Canyon Lake that like to push the slalomers buttons! I know we could all get along and maybe be friends if these select few didn't try so hard to get under our skin! The funny thing is that the bad ones are the sponsored self proclaimed "Pros"

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  • Baller

Not allowed on our lake at Cheyenne! No large wake board boats or sit down jet skis either. Only tournament boats. We do allow stand-up jet skis, but their wake is so small it doesn't hurt with erosion and they can't ski during normal rotation cause it takes too long for rollers to dissipate that are going down the length of the lake.


I'm sure it's fun for them but they just don't understand that it's not compatible with what we do. Surfing belongs in the ocean.

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  • Baller
There was some talk in our area of banning the wave surfing boats on one of the lakes due to damage they were causing to docks. Of course there was a public meeting and a lot of wake boarders and surfers showed up and claimed they did no damage. All the local ski boat dealers supported the boarders and did there best to get the word out.
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  • Administrators
That is a cool video and looks fun but not for a man made ski lake and why the hell is USAWS sending that out. (i know the answer)
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  • Baller

Those boats wakes will swamp a ski boat!!!! if your not on your game as a driver when that monster wave comes rolling toward you and your family bad things can happen like knocking your teeth out if your not careful.

Had my Response anchored bow out at Lake Powell a few yrs ago and some giant MC came by surfing, music blaring totally clueless and sent a wave of water into my boat swamping it while i stood on the shore helplessly watching!! Needless to say i had a nice talk with the idiot and he didnt roll through again!!

We ski on a public lake and those boats wakes really screw the water up. To each his own and all the more reason to motivate me to buy into a private site.

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  • Baller
My fear is that if these dock-wrecking, shore-eroding boats keep getting more and more popular, regulatory bodies will react by just banning all activities above a certain speed limit. Skiers will get lumped into this category and we'll all suffer as a result.
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  • Baller

@markchilcutt -We ski on a public lake and those boats wakes really screw the water up. To each his own and all the more reason to motivate me to buy into a private site.


That is exactly the reason we decided to build our own lake.

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