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Where to pick up the load


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  • Baller

As an offshoot of the topic that @Horton brought up on easing off the load, or slowing down the edge change and transition, what about the opposite of that? Slowing down the pickup of load. As speed control and how it effects the skier has changed, the skiers styles and technique have changed. We're seeing the skier pick up the load later, which moves their work zone. Nate and Regina come to mind with where they let the boat pick them up and then drop them off. Is this purely a function of keeping a higher average speed off the apex? Which would really start in that transition zone mentioned in the other topic, allowing the optimum or most efficient path out and back in behind the buoy? Have you as skiers worked on anything specific to change where and how you pick up the load over the last few years?



















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  • Industry Professional

Picking up the load later is definitely the goal, but like anything, it can not be addressed in isolation. It is the result, not the action. You are right, it is a result of your path off the second wake, which is a result of the speed at your gate. Maintaining static pressure into the wakes, or close to it, allows you to leave the wakes without losing your structural alignment or your direction. This sets up a faster (not sharper) turn allowing your speed to decrease at a slower rate. The longer you can maintain speed through the turn, the later, and just as importantly the lighter the load on the rope will occur.

Its all connected.


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The biggest thing I changed last year was more speed into my gate turn. I think this one thing changed my ball count. The additional speed a the gate turn in apex lead to a chain reaction of good things including more speed into and out of one ball.

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Rob Muhlitner (the Ghost Ski) is always telling me that if I pick up the load later on my gate it will set a cadence and allow me to pick up the load later out of 1 and 2 ball. In other words it shifts everything down.

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@ShaneH you mean picking up the load late at the gate so he could do so the same at 1 & 2?


Now that i think about it.... does @Mapple preach the exact opposite. Should have gone to the gym tonight... anyone want to buy a web site?

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  • Baller
Yes on the first question. He let's the ski come all the way under the rope while he's facing downcourse, lets the hand slowly get back to the handle, and then he finally leans against the boat as he's coming to the whitewater through the gates.
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