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Installing hot water shower on '09 TTMC. Tips to avoid trouble?


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@Lhoover When we bought our low hour 02 s/n 2 1/2 years ago the seller, who was meticulous and had good mechanical skills had installed a hot water shower, but it never worked right. We were only getting a fraction of the shower volume that we should have, and the shower never got very hot. My friends and I went through a lot of trouble shooting, but I finally gave up and took the boat to the dealer. The dealer knew the likely problem when we opened the engine hatch. The problem was not from the hot water block tap, but from the cold water hose tap. The prior owner tapped the cold water from just under the raw water intake, which was not providing hardly any cold water flow, and was actually causing a type of suction feed. So the dealer instead ran the cold water feed from the front main water hose (I think before the water pump, and now my shower works great. Just FYI, I hope this helps.
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  • Baller
@lhoover the '09 TT? The black with red metal flake? Love those...almost bought one at promo price as they had 2 promo's with no names on 'em with the economy down at that time. Post a pic if you have one. Good luck on the shower install.
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  • Baller
The same, 6balls, a real beauty and a cream puff boat. Her new owners love it and even more now that we got the shower installed. But what a royal pain in the hiney it was. Along with the inevitable trip to Lowes, we cut and spliced and figured and screwed and drilled and screwed some more for a good 5 hours. My 2 buds were geniuses or it would never have been done. Order it from the factory on your new 14 would be my recommendation and don't complain about the cost. Otherwise, we are ready for a week of chilly weather, for us in Houston, with our new shower.
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  • Baller_
If you ski in a weedy lake, add a strainer if not equipped. The shower strainers tend to plug up quickly and in my experience the block port can also plug up fairly easily if a strainer is not used. Make sure it is plumbed in before the shower ports, in series: raw water pump > strainer > cold shower port > trans cooler > engine water pump > block > hot shower port.
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