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PP RPM Cable


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  • Baller_

Does anybody know what actually makes up the RPM cable? Does it have some sort of signal conditioner or is it simply a direct wire to connect the RPM (tach or coil) signal in to the Master Module? It appears that the green wire is an RPM signal, black a ground and red a 12 volt signal going in to the module, but the 2 connections on the boat side appear to be only an RPM signal & a ground. No indication of a 12 volt wire.


Part 2: Anybody know where to get some of the connectors? Radio Shack?



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  • Baller_

@Jody, Yes, I need a tach harness.


Do you know what the signal conditioner that the PP system needs is made up of? Do all boats need signal conditioning for the PP unit to know engine speed? The application is an older boat with a Mercruiser Thundervolt IV so it would have a standard old school coil signal as the RPM signal. Thanks for the reply.

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