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What to do with my chest and shoulders during the transition?


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  • Baller

So last year I started running -32'/36mph consistently every set but had issues with keeping a tight line which made my path fast and narrow. This made -35' a whole different animal with little success. So I am finding out that keeping a tight line is the key to running the shorter line lengths. I was wondering what people thought about where my shoulders and chest should be pointed during the transition, open to the boat or trying to close off and stay square with my ski?


Rossi, Parish, Mapple, Parsons all look to be open to the boat during the transition, more so on their onside pull and transition but still somewhat open on their offside pull through the transition.


I was coached a few summers ago to stay square with the ski and stay square down course (didnt really work for me Im finding out) but after watching videos and see pics of pros they seemed to be open during the transition, which allows them to stay connected easier. I find it hard to stay connected while trying to stay square with my ski.


If I could ski I would post some video, but not yet-17in. of ice.

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  • Baller
What Marcus is saying there is it's important to keep the upper body still, leaned away from the boat, and facing downcourse(open) while the ski is transitioning. I think people sometimes get lost in some of the detail, like the hips and chest facing the boat and take what's said too literally.
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