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Near slalom nirvana has been reached


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  • Baller

Today I went out on a newly healed tweaked ankle with low expectations.

I started skiing and every pass I made an effort to focus on one thing the next pass focus on something new.

On my first set I went out and focused on skiing before the ball, not to it.

Second set:

First run- keep elbows locked and low with my hips up

Second run-keep handle close and don't give it all up as soon as I'm on my turning edge



Third set:

Kept back leg straight and it was about the best skiing I have ever done, everything fell into place, I beat my practice PB by a half of a pass!



Summary: by straightening back leg and becoming centered over my ski almost everything felt better. I can't wait to ski the tournament at my home site this weekend!


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@Sully Try it standing on the ground. I thought it sounded goofy at first, but it's damn near impossible to get into a sitting position if your back leg is fairly straight. Of course, it's perfectly possible to bend at the waist and be in a totally horrible position, so it won't solve all problems by itself. But if you combine it with standing upright and a few other keys (e.g. front knee bend or ankle bend), it seems to be something that can help a lot of people get to the best position.


I'm actually planning to update my leverage position article to include some of this at some point, but only after I've had a chance to coach it a bit more and see how people respond.

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  • Baller

@kcswerver - GREAT JOB!! Good strategy for thinking about one thing for each of those passes/sets!!


@horton +1 for straightening that back leg. For me, it helps keep my hips up and weight forward/centered on the ski. I can tell when I do it because I have flawless passes. When I don't I scramble and am scrambling just to run the course.

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  • Baller
Thanks guys, I really havnt been able to wipe this goofy smile off my face since the change, It is tattooed into my brain how easy it was to lock and load out of the turn and be across the wake and waiting for the ball. I just can't wait to go ski again. I have never been more excited to ski because now I feel like I'm really doing it right! 36 mph here we go!
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  • Baller
By lock and load I mean get into position and cross the wake without any hesitation. Maybe the wrong words to use. But bottom line i get out of the turn, hook up and with the back leg straight, I am already in position, all the work I was doing is gone because I'm in position now. I could honestly go on and on about this for a long time. This is great.
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  • Baller
Here's what I can say. It will be hard to dramatically change your position but if you really force yourself to do it, your hips will naturally move up to the handle , which basically sets you up for a great stack, and you will catapulted across course. It's awesome once it works.
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  • Baller
I really tried to keep it fairly straight the whole time because it alows you to get up on the front of the ski to slow it down in the turn without changing much body position which is huge! It almost felt like I was skipping a step I used to use, because It makes me be more efficient
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  • Baller

Ed, probably would run 43 if they did. Haha.


The real reason I think they bend their front leg commensurate with the back, and beginners have stiff front legs. It is probably easier to center the load by slightly straightening the back leg. Long term, I think it would be desirous to flex both while maintaining equal pressure to keep more ski in the water while accelerating.

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  • Baller

Also by saying back leg straight it doesn't mean locked it means getting away from this position (picture) and more towards a centered position. But the pathway to getting to this position is straitening the back leg much more than it was.


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  • Baller
@ozski I am guessing he doesn't have a problem leaning back. My take on the thread is that by keeping your back leg straighter, you will learn to have better balance and that one day you might ski like ^.
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  • Baller
Most people that start skiing load the back leg and lean back. How quickly they break that habit and get into a balanced hips up position and lean AWAY from the boat determines how fast and how far they will progress.
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  • Baller

From a 15 off 30 mph skier, its a process. We can't go out there and get in the stacked position as in the picture of Terry. My front leg always wants to go straight. The more I focus on it (front leg), the straighter it goes (can't explain it, but its the case). The more I focus on not bending my back leg so much (straight), the less I straighten my front leg and the better position I am in. The objective is not a straight back leg and though I feel as if I am straightening it, video reveals it is nowhere close to straight. It is however creating a more balanced stance.


I've only been focusing on this for a couple of weeks now, but it has helped tremendously.

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@KcSwerver Drive thru the wakes not let the knees come up thru the wakes. This causes you to drop your ass, chest to lead.......thus losing angle and gaining to the ball speed. You do not want to absorb the wake but slice thru it. This can be achieved many different ways as long as you keep your hips leading.
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  • Baller
@Walleye I have a vivid image of Mondays sets where I would come out of the turn and not even have time to think about the wake because I went right through them in a matter of a blink of the eye. Remarkable when the advice finally makes sense. I guess you'll give the inserts to mom and ill see you saturday
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  • Baller
Hey @Matt, when you press the "Flag" button, a confirmation balloon pops up saying "Abuse," and you have to select the balloon to confirm your desire to leave this feedback. Would it be possible to program confirmation balloons for the rest of the feedback buttons ("Off Topic," "Dislike," "Like," and "Awesome?" Having to confirm any feedback would be most helpful. I especially don't want to give anyone an "Off Topic" or a "Dislike" by mistake.
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