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Ah oh, Some potential talking points for the rule change guys out there.


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  • Baller_

Well, looks as though the PGA is looking to make golf easier. I reject the idea of course and guessing most golfers will as well. But the idea behind attracting new blood into the sport has merit. I'd go with 2 holes on the green one large one small. Much like the the grass roots/fun tournaments that allow a second chance/min 4 passes or utilize the mini course. I think golf has also gotten very expensive to play.


Is golf about to get a HOLE lot easier? Head of Professional Golfers Association of America suggests quadrupling the size of holes to improve scores and increase speed

Courses across the US to increase 4-inch hole to 15 inches

Hoped the move will encourage more people to take up the sport

Comes as figures show golf has lost 5million players in the US in ten years



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  • Gold Member

"Surely" that's an April Fool!? Pretending for the moment that it's real:


I suppose golf does have the aspect that past scores aren't ever comparable to current ones because things change all the time. That helps a little when making a radical rules change.


But increasing the area of the hole by 14x would seem to me (as someone who never plays golf) to completely alter the relative importance of the various aspects of the game??


Of course, I never play golf because I don't like it. Would I like it more with a big hole? I guess I don't think so. Then again I doubt I would like it less...

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  • Baller_

If its an April Fools, Forbes is a little late to the game publishing April 15 and under the pic above it refferances a Pro golfer retrieving his ball from an experamental round after the Masters. Egg on my face if it's all fake. Does look a little photo shopped. Either way, good for a discussion.





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  • Baller
Golf can do what they want. Skiing is keeping the gates. I stopped competing in golf years ago and have not taken a swing since.. Though I often think about it. Whenever the perfect time comes up I'm usually headed to the lake...
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  • Baller
I have reard about this also. One of the reasons listed was that it would help to decrease the amount of time required to play a round. Hole size has been everything up to the above stated 15 inch. They also say that there is not a huge benefit once the hole size got abouve 9 inch. At 15 inch I would think that the number of damaged ankles from stepping into the holes would be right up there with skiers hitting a slalom ball with bungee type bindings.
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  • Baller

Has to be fake... Although it staggers the imagination how long you typically wait for a foursome to putt.


I enjoy golf a lot but I must admit that it costs more for me to play a round of golf than it costs me to ski two sets or take a group of friends out on my own boat even if none of them pay. Therefore, I play only a few rounds of golf a year.

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  • Baller
This is not fake, although golf is one of the most traditional rules wise, and one of the oldest sports around. The industry realizes that if the game doesn’t appeal to a broader market, it is curtains. Naturally this change does not apply to competitive golf. The larger hole is perhaps more similar to the push to promote open water skiing.
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  • Baller_
I heard that in basketball it will be good enough to hit the backboard - no hoop or net needed. They will be removing the nets from tennis courts. The goal in soccer will be 75 feet wide and 20 feet tall. I could go on, but I am busy writing USA Waterski to slow the boat down for all divisions.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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