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Are you left or right foot forward?


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  • Baller
The old debate... Just looking to get a breakdown. Just hit the return key and found out the hard way you can't edit poll choices. Wanted to add an option for RFF skiers skiing into -32 and higher... Horton?
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  • Baller

@ozski If you asked me last week, I would have said exactly the same as my on-side turn. Had too many things on my mind this morning. Got a little hitch at 4 today for some reason. BUT, I do feel that my off side (246) is pretty well balanced with my onside (135) when I am settled and skiing well.


Maybe potentially totally my 2014 Tundra yesterday might have something to do with my head being in the wrong place..............

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  • Baller
I'm RFF and into -32. Aside from the "into -32", it would also be interesting to correlate that with hand position. I am a convert to the "correct" hand position after 20-some years and a loooong winter in anticipation of better skiing and great tips from BOS!
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  • Baller_

I am all messed up. Slalom ski with LFF. Snowboard with RFF. Shoot pool left handed. Write (if you can call it that) with my right hand.


Biggest problem for me being LFF is getting a good gate shot, maintaining good stack, and good handle control going into 1 ball. Unfortunately, that is exactly where it all counts the most.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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