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Arm fatigue...

Ted Kennel

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when making a pass.. my for-arms are getting fatigued pretty much before my legs are. I am holding handle in my finger tips. what the fixes for this either during the season or off season? any advice or help would be much appreciated! thanks in advance!

-Ted Kennel

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  • Baller
There is a joke in here somewhere, but I'm going to leave it alone...wrist curls would help, chin-ups certainly help, farmers carries (walking through the gym holding kettlebells or weights by your sides, pulling on a handle on the dock or in your yard somewhere - but the best medicine is just to go ski....After a handfull of sets, this should hopefully get much better.
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  • Baller
Attach a handle bridle to a fixed object on land about 5 feet high, in my basement I use a support pole, and do multiple sets of pull-ups with feet planted in skiing position and leaning away. Lean away with arms straight and then pull yourself up out of the lean, rotate position for each set. It is not correct to pull yourself up like this while skiing, but it is a great workout between ski days and the winter. I find wrist curls and grip strengthens work too. In winter I use to have a 1" dowel rod with a hole in the middle for a rope tied to a 15 lb weight. Roll up and down until fatigued.
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  • Baller
I found as my "stack" got better,I had less fatigue everywhere. Arm fatigue could be from "pulling". Maybe take some video and see what you think from watching yourself. See if you can find any stress in your body in the video. I mean more than normal for letting a 3000 lbs 343 hp machine tug you for 16.95 seconds and beat you with the reality of "the boat will always win...."
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  • Gold Member

I'd say gloves and handle are first. If you have a combination of those that works for you, you'll feel much secure and not feel any need to deathgrip.


Then technique. Yanking on the handle will wear out your forearms a lot faster than hanging your weight from the handle. GOODESkier said it well.


Next, strength exercises. I have nothing to add to the above.


A sneaky thing to consider is a serious sports massage therapist. I work as a software developer, so my forearms get abused in all sorts of ways. Years ago, I was having some carpal-tunnel-like symptoms (probably more related to my work) and experiencing forearm fatigue (probably more related to my skiing). Then I messed up my back (unrelated) and this eventually sent me to a massage therapist. After I started working with him, I never had any forearm issues again! And that was over a decade ago. He only rarely works the forearm itself, but does a lot in my neck and shoulders that somehow seems to keep everything lose enough to function.


Personally, I consider clinchers somewhat of a last resort. I don't like the feel -- both in terms of my hands and in terms of my mental impression of my safety. But they definitely work and are a great solution for anybody with a chronic forearm injury (including my ski partner @MikeT who actually uses one clincher).

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Thanks for all of the great info. I also volunteer and do a lot of adaptive ski clinics for those who might be amputees, para/quadriplegic, autism and many other adversities. and while skiing with these people were being "drug" through water at sometimes 12 to 15 mph (on two skis of course. and we do have the old wooden show skis to help float a little better) on either side of an specially designed ski for the participant. and at those speeds fatigue really takes part after multiple pulls! Sooo again thanks for all of the great advice!!


Happy Skiing!



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I agree with @GOODESkier. You shouldn't have are fatigue if you are in the proper position. The force should be on the big muscles - legs, back, shoulders. Make sure your shoulders are level with the water and your handle is as close to your hip in the pull position as possible.


You may want to look up the "what the heck is handle control" article here on the ball of spray.

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