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Leap Day (way off topic)


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  • Gold Member

As a way to celebrate 2/29, my employer decided to do a world-wide standing broad jump competition among all employees (about 1400 of us).


No, I did not win.


But thanks in part to maintaining conditioning for waterskiing, I'm pretty sure I beat everybody over 30 and crushed everybody over 40.


I can't recall how far I could go when I was young, but I feel 8'2" is pretty solid for an Old White Guy :).


Plus, I took two attempts without incurring injury. WIN!

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  • Gold Member

So true. But it's kind of amazing to fully process:


Obviously, I am not tough enough to play in the NFL. I'd be lucky to survive one play.

Obviously, I am not strong enough to play in the NFL. That 240 lb test bar they use at the combine would cut me in half.

Obviously, I don't have the athleticism necessary for the NFL. Can you say "stiff hips?"

Obviously, I am not fast enough to play in the NFL, even though I'd be considered "fast" vs. the average person. (At my peak, I was faster than some of the offensive lineman...)


But when you consider standing broad jump, I'm in the top 1%. I might even be in the top 0.1%. So that makes it all the more interesting that, of all of the defensive backs tested, the worst one jumped 9'10" -- utterly crushing me.


And 11 freakin' feet -- well goddamm that's far.

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