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Would you like a slalom vest with a built in back brace?


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  • Administrators
I was talking to a manufacturer today about a vest with a back brace built in. Do you like the idea? Do you want one?
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  • Administrators
Before someone asks - no, I am not talking about he Goode PowerVest. That is another topic & another thread.
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  • Baller
Would the brace go all the way up to the back of your head? If not, it seems like taking all of the potential give from the back during a full scorpion and transferring it to the base of the neck would be bad in an OTF.
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  • Administrators

@oldjeep these are smart people working with top skiers so I am sure they will think it through.


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  • Baller
One of the major brands made a vest with a built in brace (similar to a weight belt), but less stiff than a weight belt - seemed like a good idea to me. Probably hurts mobility a bit but improves lower back durability - everything seems to have a trade off. If they can eliminate the trade off, even better
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  • Baller_
I use a wide stiff back brace and a Straightline vest. If it's a combo like that..yes as it keeps everything aligned and doesn't really hurt mobility. Make it out of those squishy pull over feel vests and a soft brace and it's a waist of time for the older crowd IMHO.
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  • Baller

I loved the Obrien vest. I loved the Nevin vest. I'm using the Goode vest now. I tried to wean myself off the Goode vest with a jump suit with an external back brace (but back on the Goode for now). Arthritis sucks and I'll take all the help I can get.



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  • Gold Member

I need back support from my vest, but a regular Eagle provides it.

When I am in the drysuit, I add a back brace since the vest is no longer needed.

So I don't think I have a use for a vest with a separate back brace, so long as the Eagle never changes :).

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  • Baller
@Horton if you have any input on this product, would a CGA option be available if this makes it to market? I may be in the minority but it's something I wish was available for the Goode Power Vest.
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  • Baller
I wear a back brace (valeo weight lifting belt) with my vest. Not sure how a vest with a built in brace would fit in the right spot on the back for different body types as is possible with two independent pieces (the brace and the vest).
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  • Baller

I still have my Nevin LRS vest with the built in brace. I really like it. Damn thing shrunk though...but I'm approaching the weight I was at before it shrunk, so I might just get to wear it again. :)


I actually searched on and off for a long time looking for a xxl leftover stock somewhere as my xl was always a little snug. I thought about posting a want ad but never got around to it.

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  • Elite Skier
Not sure if anyone remembers, but Rip Curl used to make this amazing vest with a neoprene strap that would go around your belly. AMAZING VEST!!! I can see a back brace or some sort of added structure functioning well with that system!

Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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  • Baller

I had the Obrien version in about 1991-2.


They don't work well for skiing btw. Combined rotation/flexion is very hard to control, especially in our sport where you body alignment and load is different side to side. As a person who has fought the good fight with back injury for 25 years, if I pull out the back brace, (I have several) it's time to take some days off.



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  • Baller

Also remember that what may-or-may-not have been a great product and may-or-may-not have sold well in the early 90s faces a very different waterski demographic today. While we're fewer in number, we're skewed towards 40-65 year-olds.


Although we'll hear lots of annecdotes about this-or-that limiting injury, I'm pretty sure backs and ankles are the injuries that claim the most victims. Industry has been doing a better-and-better job on bindings/ankles; I think it's high-time for some back-oriented solutions.

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  • Baller

I started using an O'Neill Revenge vest a few years ago. It's a little longer (or seems like it) and has a lumbar pad between the straps that @ALPJr mentioned. Not sure if I'm "just right" for fit but it helps quite a bit for me. I didn't know O'Neill had it on other vests but I guess I never looked either.


I'm not "injured enough" for a Power Vest and the price stings a little. Something inbetween would be a nice transition as my back gets older.

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