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Chet Raley rides the GOODE RéV 6


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  • Baller
@wskier - I skied the standard FT and thought it was a great ski. Ran lots of big scores and felt like it could get me more buoys. Then I met Caldwell and jumped on the Denali. While both skis were fast and symmetric for me, the Denali suits my style better. Unlike @OB1, I have skied different skis and brands with almost every new ski I've had for 15 years and I've still not found one that won't work, just keep finding ones that work even better.
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  • Baller_
@wskier Even if I said @OB1 sucked cheese on the Rev6 he'd still ski it..haha. Nah.. he did look good on it. The Denali he was on (along with the rest of us) was a proto and we all were still playing with numbers honing in on good ones. But, if innovation and forward thinking in ski design interests you. Then most likely both skis should be on your short list of ones to try. Demo Demo Demo. It's the only way to truly find out.
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