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Hi All,

I’m new here trying to figure out what type of slalom will get me into the modern era. I am 62 years and have been free skiing on an 80s vintage HO Mach 1 for the past 30 years. I don’t have access to a course but have always wanted to ski at those orange balls. Historically have used long line but may start taking 15 off and have always skied at 36 mph. I’m 6 ft 150 lb


Seeking recommendations on new-ish ski with goals of something easy to ride that can still make turns on a course if I get the opportunity. I’ve researched Goode Nano one, Radar Senate/Vapor and maybe D3 Fusion. Any thoughts about what would suit my needs? And what length...my Mach 1 is 66 in but seems like the newer skis are shorter.


Thanks everyone!





  • Baller
I just got a HO syndicate omni and its a fantastic all around ski.Very easy to get up on and to ski in any conditions.I am skiing on a 67 however weigh a little more then you so perhaps a 65 would work for you.You can demo the ski from HO just go to their website.
  • Baller
If you aren't skiing the course a Syndicate may be a bit overkill. I love the Carbon Omni and it would definitely be enough for @arogers, the base Omni is probably sufficient too if he's almost never going into the course.
  • Baller
I changed from a Fusion to an Omni and would recommend the Omni to you at this stage. I am on the Syndicate, probably any model would suit you.
I bought a Connelly Carbon V and really love it. It’s easy to get up on and a very smooth ski. My father (a free skier that still wants to ski with a wooden Connelly comp 2) put this ski on and it’s hard to get him off it now. Found it on SKi It Again at really good price. I would look there before spending a 700-1000 on a ski you might not like.
  • Baller
Why so fast? Give 34 MPH a try sometime. It would be very good for you to try a couple of skis and see what suits you best, but I think you are looking in the right direction.
I appreciate all the advice. Also trying to pick up something used so how does a Strada sound? The old interview I read with Matt Rini rang all the right bells regarding the design.
I am in a similar spot as you, after skiing on an HO freeride for a few seasons. After trying my friends strada, I knew I needed something more course oriented. The strada is fast as hell, and pretty twitchy in my experience. Old-time what I've heard the newer stuff is just as fast if not faster because they are more controlled. As somebody mentioned above the HO Omni line is supposed to be pretty awesome. I'm pretty much set on picking up one of those. Hope this helps.

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