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  • Baller
I have been using the miami nautique gloves the past yr and they are fantastic.They really last and are very comfortable.Now I just got the second pair and they were out of the lime green and blue so I got the pink and blue.WOW I really stand out now!! hey @MS you are right these are great gloves and I bet you don't have the pink ones.I challenge anyone to order a pair of the pink ones and ski with them.............I am the topic of discussion on my lake.
  • Baller
I've got a pair of the yellow or lime or whatever (I'm kinda color blind). Finger length is good but a little too narrow across the palm. Velcro strap barely reaches over back of hand. I don't fell like I've got fat hands. Grips is good. I've also got a pair of the red/black version. Too thick and haven't worn well. Thread theft possible? Sorry, just had to comment.
  • Baller

Anyone can compare the MSN to the Ski Päradise gloves and the Pro Gear (or Glove ?) ?

Grip,materials and most importantly the velcros!

Love how the MSN are thins and super grippy but the velcros are so bad it's not even funny...unless they improoved it in the last year.

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

  • Baller_
@bananaron I do have some pink MSN. I found the Med pink are different size then the Med yellow. I have a very lightly used pink set for sale. They feel like the Med L in yellow that I tried a few years back. Narrow on the back of hand
  • Baller

@Andre I have been a progear user for years. I love the gloves. I did recently pick up some of the Miami Flag gloves. The grip is the same if it better hard to tell when I was on a worn out pair of pro gears. The Velcro seems to hold much better and the Miami gloves have a second tab of Velcro that holds even if the strap lifts off the glove. I do like the extra material on the outside of the fingers on the Miami gloves I usually wear them down on my progears pretty quickly. I will say the sizing across the back of the hand is tight. I didn’t think they would close until I got them wet and skied a few sets with them.


  • Baller
Haven’t tried the Miami Gloves, very flashy. Have Radar Vapor Boa gloves. A bit pricey but not one issue. Any other gloves I have had there was always something not quite right. Bought a second pair because as far as I was concerned my search for the perfect glove was over.
  • Baller
Have had good luck with HO 41 tails, but recently tried a pair of the radar boa gloves. 2 sets and they blew open on the back across one of the sleeves for the boa. Dealer sent back to Radar but haven’t heard anything yet. They seemed to fit great though. I hope Radar stands behind their product.
  • Baller
@WoodySkier I have the smurf blue Boa gloves. Think it was the first inside out model. They have been incredible, I noticed they started to wear in the palm after several years. I hope they didn't screw them up in the new models.
  • Baller_
I alternate between the green boa and the blue Ski Paradise glove. I like them both a lot, but the Paradise glove is $40 cheaper.


  • Baller
@MS What is in the bottle? Is it a special binding lube? Also looks like front binding is a radar and the rear is a wileys.We have a lot in common as far as equipment.Probably a big difference is I am a better skier!!! LOL
  • Baller_
It’s just some special sauce we use for lube. Mostly soap. I have the new Carbon Vapor and yellow gloves. You know you can drop in any time and ski.
  • Baller
So....,I need some glove guidance from someone with big hands. The best fit I've had were XXL Radar Boa gloves from about 2014/15 or so. They were the yellow ones. They fit great. Every radar glove since is too small in a XXL. The 41 tails...too small. Miami's yellow gloves ...too small. Currently the HO Legend gloves are working, but still not long enough. I'm search for some gloves where the wrist strap actually goes around my wrist instead of the heal of my hand. I'm sure there are others that have long hands. I have not tried cutting the finger tips out of gloves yet....maybe thats a solution. I've learned to buy multiple pairs of whatever fits. Sadly, the last of 4 pairs of the yellow Radar boa's died.

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