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What is this thing and how would one get rid of it?


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  • Baller

OK, I've had my fun at the expense of wakeboards too. But seriously, wakeboards are a fun toy and a useful tool. Yours is not worth enough to sell but might be valuable on a day you have guests or just want to play around.


Open trickers out west started on wakeboards as kids. College kids use wakeboards as a stepping stone to better trick scores. We trained with some serious wakeboarders when learning flips and they are as dedicated and technical as any group of slalomers. World record holder Erika Lang is also a world class wakeboarder.


Keep the thing and enjoy it! (Do take the fins off it to make the falls less painful.)



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  • Gold Member
Say more about the fins. I have no philosophical objection to wakeboarding, but when I tried it years ago it seemed edge catch falls were common and SUCKED. Didn't seem suitable for an old guy -- and I was fifteen years less old then!
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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan A lot of that has to do with the edge and rocker too. A sharp edge and 3 stage rocker has advantages for serious wakeboarders, but the rounded edge and continuous rocker are a lot more forgiving. I had a wakeboard I acquired and took several of those edge catch/face first fall...no fun. I picked up a clearance/new board from performance with continuous rocker and rounded edges and no more of those falls. We did take fins off for easier surface tricks (180s etc..) but put fin back on for beginners that were just trying to stay on top of the water, and make it a little less slippery. The fins were off on that 1st board too, and still took some nice edge grab falls.


@quinne We used to keep wakeboard on the boat with us for something fun to do after a couple ski sets, and for guests that want to mess around on them.... Kinda stopped that, just bring them out now for guests.

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