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  • Freddie Winter joins the MCskis team!


    http://static.wixstatic.com/media/e4b077_ee6c5782fd85499faf5827f333c39f5e.png_srb_p_600_77_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srbMCskis is thrilled to welcome Freddie Winter to the MCskis team! Freddie already had an impressive start to the season, running 1@43off (and tying the European record) two rounds in a row at his first tournament of the year!

    There is no denying that Freddie's performances on the water are impressive, and we are extremely excited to work with someone whose dedication and determination to improve are unmatched. We are going to do everything we can to help him achieve his goals in 2015!

    You can now follow Freddie and all our team news on our updated website www.mcskis.com and on social media Facebook & instagram




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