The American Water Ski Association will conduct a National Senior Officials' Clinic, Feb. 8-9, at the Holiday Inn-On The Lake in Austin, Texas. The clinic will be for judges, scorers and drivers.
The clinic will start with group sessions, discussing areas of common interest to everyone. Then there will be breakout sessions of specific interest areas for judges, scorers and drivers. The clinic is AWSA-sanctioned, and it counts as a classroom clinic for maintenance or upgrade of your officials' rating. Aspiring senior officials may also attend with approval of their Regional Judges & Scorers Committee representative. The fee for the clinic is %2495. Special rates on hotel rooms are available from the host hotel.
The National Senior Officials' Clinic is a great way to mix and mingle and exchange ideas with the most senior officials in the sport. Reserve your spot today! Contact Melanie Hanson %E2%80%93 or 863-508-2096 %E2%80%93 for registration information.