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  • Save Waterskiing From Extinction!



    Would you like to see waterskiing return to its former glory as a sport?  

    Waterskiing as a sport has been dying from lack of grassroots development and media exposure for 25 years. It’s become a sport of private lakes and one person in the boat. It has lost its roots as something fun to do with others on any lake or river. While 11.4 million people still go boating and 5.9 million still ski, water skiing as a competitive sport is dying and has almost no media exposure today.  Waterski magazine is down to two issues and ski boat companies make mostly wakeboard boats.

    I was lucky enough to be a pro skier at the peak of this sport. In the 80s and 90s waterskiing was on ESPN and had 16 pro events across the country with as many as 10,000 people on the beach watching events. I have watched the sport decline for over 25 years, there is no TV coverage today and there is no one on the beach watching competitions. IT IS TIME TO TAKE DRASTIC ACTION TO SAVE THIS SPORT FROM EXTINCTION!

     All sports have a lifecycle. Many people in the industry believe that waterskiing began to die when wakeboarding came along, followed by wakesurfing. It is much like what happened to snow skiing after snowboarding came along, except snow skiing has made a resurgence. The grassroots and the youngest participants had and an option of something newer and more exciting. Wakeboarding is fun for all levels and can be done on any waterway with as many friends as you can fit in your boat. When wakeboarding took off so did the sponsorships dollars that paid for TV coverage for waterskiing.

    I have an idea that I believe will grow the grassroots of waterskiing and eventually lead to funding for new media coverage. This idea will build the sport from the bottom up, helping fund much-needed media coverage for the pro level. The sport needs growth in both areas to thrive.

    The Idea

    This business concept has to remain confidential at this time to ensure its future success. If you want more details before donating, please email or call me directly. 

    What is Needed?

    $100,000 will bring this idea to the market this summer.

    Why Trust Me?

    I understand what water skiing needs having been in the sport for 48 years from the novice to pro level. I have seen its growth and decline. I have been successful founding a grassroots organization that taught over 1000 new women skiers. In addition, I developed a women’s only pro tour which ran for 5 years producing over 50 TV shows for the sport, including a 30-minute show airing primetime on Fox Sports’ Rush Hour block.  Why is that important? It shows that I have what it takes to make a new venture work at the same time I was a good steward of the money that was entrusted  to me by the sponsors. I know the hard work it takes to make something successful and how to take and idea and make it a reality.  

    Why Go Fund Me?

    I have had this idea for 30 years and the time is right to bring it to the market. I do not want the lack of investment capital to be the reason this idea never gets off the shelf. I have shared it with many of you over the years and you have agreed that it’s a great idea that would help the sport. Many of you wanted to give me some money from your pocket on the spot since you love this sport so much. This is the way to make those contributions go to work today.

    What Can You Do to Help?

    You can make a small donation or a larger one to help make this new project come to life. Every dollar counts. You can share this post with others that also want to help save this sport from extinction.

    My Guarantee

    I promise to be a good steward of these funds. Using them only for developing this idea and increasing interest and participation in the sport.


    I believe that waterskiing has always had a lot of infighting, groups trying to keep their small slice of the pie rather than see the whole sport grow. I believe that if we all work together, we can make a bigger pie! I thank you for coming together for this project now.

    I thank God for the opportunity that he has given me to be a skier and enjoy a lifetime of fun, smiles, and success in this sport and the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful people who also love to water ski. I feel a duty to make sure that the same opportunities are given to those that come behind me.

    I thank you for your faith and support. LET’S DO THIS!

    “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality.” -John Lennon

    When Would NOW Be  A Good Time To Help?

    NOW. Let's get this going this summer! It is possible if we can fund this project by May 1st.

    PS. This is not a new pro tour or new governing body. This is a completely new idea.



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