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Prophecy vs RCX


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  • Baller
 Just wondering how the prophecy turns compared to a rcx. Rode a rcx 68 earlier in the year. This past weekend rode a 67 rcx. to me it felt just as fast as my goode with smoother turns. Has anyone tried the new 9900 from goode. I can get a prophecy for half the price of the RCX or Goode.
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  • Baller
Was on a Goode.  Tried both the RCX and Prophecy.  I, like you was attracted to the affordable price of the Prophecy.  But after skiing on the RCX, I'm sold.  It performs better than my Goode for much less money.  As for the Prophecy, it turned well but did not have the cross course speed I was accustomed to.
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  • Baller

  Jdarwin thanks what size are you riding I tried the 68 earlier in the year was solid but did not make me want to buy it. Skied a 67 was a lot more responsive or maybe I'm just skiing better. I ski at 36 star at 28  working at 35. I'm 5-10 205

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I would not discount the Prophecy or for that matter think of it as a discount ski. I do think that it takes a few rides to get really comfortable on and a good couple of weeks to fully adjust to. With all that said speed and width are absolutly not an issue on that ski.

As far as turns go, once you are at home on the Prophecy turning is never an issue. If anything I have to work to not over turn on toe side. I guess that is my issue on all skis.

On the other hand, do I recomend the RCX? Hell yes. 

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  • Baller


If I remember correctly, you haven't really said a bad thing about any new ski you've tried since the last ski test.  Is there a ski you've tried lately that you wouldn't recommend over a ski that is 3-5 years old?  From the comments I've read lately from everyone trying these new skis it seems like all of the manufacturers are following Denny's lead and making skis that are more foregiving.  Do you see this?

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I am more careful about what I say since I did the ski tests. I do think that for the right skier all the top of the line skis are pretty darn good. I do not recommend the F1 or the version of the System 8 we had two years ago at the ski test. Among the current top of the line skis there really is not a BAD ski. 

See what I wrote earlier this AM


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  • Baller
 John thats why you started the independent ski test . This is my own view but if every ski company is giving me free skis I would rate them great also . Thats just human nature. You do give the most pc discription There are no bad skis. Everybody wants that magic ski if we all did a 100 more sit ups I bet that old ski would come back to life. Congrats on gettng engaged you have a great web site. Keep ripping
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Did you read the other thread? (see link above) Unlike years past I really do not think there is a bad ski this year. The hard part is to find the ski that fits your skiing. Worse yet some skis feel good right off and some others take getting used to. I think anyone could get on the RCX or A1 be impressed in a pass or two. I have been ridding the Prophecy lately and feel like the more I ride it, the better if is. If I had to make a decision on the Prophecy in a ride or two, I do not think I would have the same opinion of it.

 By the way I have received some free skis over the years but not as many as you would think.  I am pretty happy anytime one shows up but I am not going to tell you that a bad ski is good. If anyone cares, I do not sell the skis that are sent to me. If you see me selling a ski I paid for it.   
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