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The most important part of the course


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BOS colleagues.

I believe the most important part of the course is from the deepwater start to the gates! After that their are 3 on the right 3 on the left period! Get a good start and it should be easy !! To practice you need a one Buoy course?

But from the glide to the gates I am very erratic. Right foot forward, 34 mph, 35 off most sets. But it either works or I'm toast at 1. I dont know why I get it right or why I get it wrong.

Can somebody describe the 'first movement' to gain best direction/(speed)?

I mean your gliding,up on the boat, looking at the gates, what next? Reach? Twist? Load left arm? Lay into it? Right shoulder high follow through with left hip? Stay open? Too late your a gonna!!

John's 'hair photo' was interesting, inside the left hand gate ball, timing or a useful strategy that was not excuted well that pass?   Somebody made the comment dont lean away from the boat, why?

 So what are succesful 35+ off doing.

Thoughts please... 




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  • Baller

Roberto I have been recently using a technique that has gained me abig PB in comp, it gets you wide quickly without to much speed and veryeasy to control, basically sit out to the leftof the wake & halfboat length from pre gates, turn your whole body towards the boatwhilst moving to the left, it works really well for me, sort ofsemi-west coast style, but not.

Give it a GO ! you wil be surprised. 

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  • Baller
Eliminate the glide!!  That's right, ELIMINATE IT!  You have proven my point already, you have too much time to think.  I use a one handed gate just for that reason; but, I see it working well for my ski buddies who used a two handed gate as well.  My ski goes by the 55's and I pull out, increase or decrease intensity of the pull out will help get your timing down.  There should be a natural transition point when you unload the line and start to carve your "0" ball turn, drive with your kness and hips just like a 2 - 4 ball.  At least that is my theory.  It has made my gates much more consistant.  You only have to tweak a little bit using the 55's as your reference.  It feels really late the first couple of times you try it; but, you will find that it becomes very natural.
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  • Baller
Yep, the one handed gate has made my skiing much more consistent.  Although I don't wait til the 55s now. At 32 off, I'm rolling out when the 55s are about halfway between the platform and my ski. Roll out, rise up proud and let the ski continue on an outbound arc, release, counter  and drop in. I found that if I waited til the 55s to pull out, I couldn't get the width I wanted. Regardless, I can't even tell you when I turn in. It just sort of happens based on where I pull out. We don't need no stinking glide........
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The deepwater start!! Ha Ha...missed one at the weekend, didnt even get to address my issues! Now that's covered it, guess my beer cooler is empty this season.


Did all the good things, ran into 35 off again, but still slack at 1 ball, late to 2, it's a war from there on.

It's a head thing. On analysis I reckon I am rolling back ever so slightly to get more tension in the line just as I turn in (security thing).  Hence I pick up more speed and less direction. Back to my original question, what is that first movement? Reach towards the boat? Move the hips and knees.




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  • Baller
Roberto get up on the front of the ski,just push those knees forward on your ankles,maintain and turn slow remaining central on the ski into the wakes, you can try reaching forward with your hands to make sure you remain on the front of the ski when making the turn, turning on the front of the ski gives you direction with less load,  it sounds to me as though you are resisting the pull instead of going with the ski, try relaxing those arms, enjoy the speed and commit to the line length. Remember its a case of "Death or Glory !"
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 Thanks for the options....I will choose glory, and thanks for the advice. Although according to the wife I am worth a lot more dead!

Off to Xtreme-gene Wednesday for 5 days ( Spain...near Cordoba). End of season, do or die! Matt Southam is a good friend and great coach. I always relax with him and ski well, I'm sure he will sort me out. (Greg Perry ...2IC...has a keen eye and is a ...master technician. Well worth a visit if you are keen to travel)

I'll report back with tales of great achievement, or woe and misery. Whatever it's 90's out there, warm water and we always have a blast.  Too infinity and beyond>>>>>>>>>


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