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Fluid Motion E-series


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  • Baller
I've also had my E-Series for 2 seasons and I recommend them. They seem to be the best of both worlds (hard and soft shell)........and besides I can't get comfortable on the "low" cuff bindings like Radar. I've had several OTF's and they've always released. My only complaint might be that the adjustment screws on the sides (that provide the tension) need to be checked every week or so for proper adjustment. Supposedly the new O'Brien bindings are very similar.
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  • Baller
You might also consider the Z Series. It has a similar released to the radar boot. then there would be no question of pre release due to mechanical failure. I was using the old style with all the hardware is got tired offsetting them back up after a binding move although they worked flawlessly! The Z Series comes with a 1" velcro strap to hold the liner on in a fall. I'm using a heavier 2" to give me the ankle support I'm used to. So far I'm really liking them.
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  • Baller
Had them for one season, while new they were very good, after a while the cuff started prereleasing and I was always loosing the rubber washers (without them they dont  work). The problem was always with the rear boot therefore I assume if you use an rtp no problem, but then again I also believe that if one uses rtp there is no better system than the reflex.
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  • Baller


What do mean with your washer comment? Sounds like you have a trick to reduce the chance of a pre-release. I really like the looks of the E but have been fearful of ejecting prematurely. I wonder how Obrien is gonna do it? Those look sick too!

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  • Baller
I have never had any issues with pre-release, and niether have the other 4 skiers in our club that use them.  On the sides of the cuff, where the thumb screws are used to set the pressure on the release, there are typically large, white delrin (plastic washers) with samller rubber washer.  The rubber washer will tear up pretty quick; I just removed mine after I went through 2 sets of the rubber washers.  Fluid motion sends or sells, I can't remeber, a set of replacement washers which includes large stainless steel washers (you can actually buy these from Lowes, Home Depot, etc.) to be used instead of the large, white plastic washers.  So the set up would go, from outside in, large white plastic retaining washer, large stainless steel washer, cuff, shell.  I tighten mine all the way down.  You do need to check them (I do it every set) to make sure that the thumb screw has not backed out some; but, it is really no big deal.  I have found they will loosen on occassion and uknowingly skied with them that way; but again, I have never pre released and I am not a fluid skier, I go down a couple of times every set. 
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  • Baller
The cuff and shell are very durable.  No problem with the cuff tearing up; only the small rubber washers.  I quit using them after the second set of them tore up.  I run the binding release as tight as it will go.  I have skied it with lighter pressure on the release with no issues of pre-release; but, i like the ski to stay on in a moderate situation.  If you had ankle problems; I would recommend less pressure.
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