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Radar Vice Glove


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Wow those are new. If you want to try a pair and you promise to write about it here on BallOfSpray -I will sell you a pair at about half price.

Note: I will not sell everyone gloves at half-price. I am offering Kona one pair of gloves so he can review them.

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  • Baller_
I've used Clinchers for years know. More than 6 If not more. I will never go back to regular cloves. When Clincher stopped making them I bought 5 pair. On my last pair. The Radar and Master Locks look the same as far as the strap and dowel goes. IMO. Both have better clove material then the clinchers by far and the Master Locks felt the same when I tried a pair on with a handle on dry land. For me the key was finding the correct diameter handle for release. I have not had a handle stay locked when I let go. Will buy one or the other when the Clinhers finally give out. Interested to hear how the Radars compare.
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  • Baller

Wish, I did like you and bought a bunch of the last clinchers years ago before they went away.  Still using my final pair from that order.  They last longer than other gloves, save my callouses, and are easy on the grip.  I love them.  My only complaint is every once while I get a brief hang up at release...at shortline it's cost me a pass every now and then...at 28-32 the brief hang-up is recoverable...at 35 s'times not, and 38 it torches the pass. 

I bought a narrower diameter masterline at tourney in Pensacola last Nov...but ski season basically over for us Minnesotans to follow.  Hopefully this handle works better for me, too.  THanks for the info.

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  • Baller_
6balls, I think the handle will work for you. It took a few handles till I found the right size. Concur; no blisters, they last, huge grip advantage. The downside to the Clinchers was the material the glove part was made out of. Weak. The strap and wrist cinch was bullet proof. Could easily ski with a few rips and tairs in the glove though. Hopefully with the better material on the Radar and Masterlock we won't need buy as often. BTY born, raised and learned to ski in the great state of MN. Many trounaments. With 10,000 lakes I believe it's the law to learn to ski. And ice fish...... 6balls what part of MN
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  • Baller

First off, I've used Clinchers and more recently the ProLocks for probably 25+ years.  Couldn't ski without them. The ONLY issues I've ever had with the gloves hanging up on the handle (delayed release) were with handles that have uncovered/uncoated rope, or thinly coated rope, on the sides of the handle.  The sides of these handles are much softer/more flexible and can potentially allow the end of the strap where the dowel is located to be pinched into the corner between the handle and the soft rope side under rare circumstances.  To avoid any potential issues I make sure the handle I use has the heavier, stiffer coated sides i.e. Masterline or Straightline handles.  For safety I refuse to ski with a handle that doesn't have the heavier coating on the side ropes.

There is nothing about this glove design that would allow for any inherent non release issues, if you open your hand they will release period.  They can however bunch up in the corner between the side and the handle PROVIDED that the side rope is soft enough to allow it to fold up on the dowel end of the strap in that manner.  Stay away from rope sided handles to remove any potential for such problems.

FWIW I like that the Radars have a strap across the back rather than the split back design of the ProLocks.  Easier/faster to get on and adjusted perhaps.  Gonna have to get a pair.


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Ed, I've skied w/straightline w/stiff sides for years, and still hang up now and again.  Glad you are never getting stuck...hoping smaller diameter takes away this occasional issue for me.

WISH, I'm in Litchfield, 60 mi west of the western burbs of Minneapolis.  Live on a public lake, ski bouys on a swamp 10 min south where we pay a landowner to put a dock/lift/boat on his property.  We have 2 courses there.  Older bro (Razor1) is in Excelsior (west burb Minneapolis) on public lake where he has a course.  He also owns a lot at New Germany (trophy lakes joint) which is between he and I, so we meet there sometimes to ski...my ZO fix.

 Snow is coming down big time today, but we have to be about 6 weeks from ice out, so getting fired up.


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  • Baller_

Never hung up in the corner of a handle before but now that I think of it I use a slight radious handle. Maybe that's why. I think all my handles have also been coated on the sides.

6bAlls, grew up on a lake between Rochester and Twin Cities. I was the only one in my family that got the memo that said you didnt have to stay there. We always visit at least once a year (week or so) during summer at the parents lake home. I drag my ski with me. Winter visits....... not so much. Still love MN though. Ya betcha.

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  • Baller
A tournament friend of mine had a release problem a few years back and it tore off his finger completely where it attaches to his palm.  He was using either Clinchers or ProLocks, can't remember for sure.  Not sure what type of handle he was using.  It can happen, so be careful!!
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That is interesting dynamic to lose a finger because of pro-locks. I know peeps who have lost fingers by having the rope wrapped around them. With the design of the prolocks the load is transferred to the wrist and arms, I would think if you got hung you would dis-locate somewhere from the wrist to the shoulder. Just thinking out load.
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  • Baller
I have used clinchers for years and much like the others I loaded up on 4 pair when I found they were discontinuing.  FWIW I think the Prolocks are fitted much closer to the Clinchers than the Radars.  I have wider, short fingers so I wear a small in Clinchers so I can get my fingers to the ends of the glove so the dowel works as designed.  I tried the Prolocks on side by side with the Radars.  I couldn't get the Radars (size small)on, based on the size I needed for finger length.  Tried the mediums and the fingers were too long.  Tried on the Prolocks (size medium) and they fit me just fine; almost exact fit to a Clincher (size small).
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