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9900 66" Mid Ride SLR 228 Amp FOR SALE


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  • Baller

This is the latest version of the 9900, Chris Parrish Signature WORLD EDITION. Very few sets with most skiing done to test the Ventral Wings. Ski comes with a brand new Goode Fin, never used. Also four strips of new 250 Dual Lock.

Will sell for only $950 + shipping in Original Goode Box.


Email me at ed38off at aol dot com

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  • Baller



Yes, the Nano is a keeper and a "Challenge". Between the Mid and the Nano out of the box, the Mid is easier to ski. The Nano is definitely more sensitive. Actually, in testing the Mid with 2 Ventral's, it felt a lot like the Nano did stock. Only three sets so far but I have found that while the Mid skis a little better with the front ventral, the Nano Requires it.


Still have a lot of testing to do with 2 Ventral's, 3 ventral's, Goode Fin vs Slot Fin etc.....The Nano really responds to change, but I really feel there is tremendous potential waiting to be unleashed. Just have to find the right combination.


Ski Well, ED

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  • Baller



Yes I did. However, I have owned a lot of Goode Skis since the 9100 and the stock numbers have NEVER worked for me. This was no exception. Could not even run my opening pass at 32 off. Quit after 4 passes. Biggest problem was excessive skidding down course off the apex.


That night I set the fin up with the fwd Mini Ventral and a clipped wing Goode Wing that I squared the tips on to match the shape of the large ventral. Used Chad Scott's numbers and set the bindings fwd 1/4". Skied the next day and it was a definite improvement. That night I watched the video and saw where the water was breaking on the ski and decided to go fwd another 1/4". Now I am where my 9900 Mid was set. Skied this morning and I was much happier with the feel all around. This is something I can live with and my base point for further tweaking with different fins and ventrals. I honestly feel there is more performance to be gained when I hit that "Just Right Sweet Spot."


I have to say that the Regular 9900 Mid. is a high performance ski that you could put a 15 off skier on with no problems. It is that easy to ski on......The Nano is much more sensitive and for experienced skiers who are looking for the ultimate in performance, with a good understanding of ski set-up. It will be a lot of fun for me to play with the different ventrals and fins. My ski partners have already certified me insane anyway so I have nothing to loose.


Ski Well, ED

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