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What is the proper way to notify a baller who's ID has two names in it?


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  • Baller

If I want to notify "Big Guy" of a post, what is the correct way to type in his ID: @Big Guy or @Big_Guy?

If you use @Big Guy, only "@Big" is highlighted as being a link with "Guy" seemingly ignored. If you use @Big_Guy, all of @Big_Guy is highlighted as a link, but does it work as a link since Big Guy's ID doesn't actually have a "_" character in it?

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  • Baller
I think It has to do with the programing extension that allows the user to @(mention) other users. When the forum software was upgraded last you could not have a space in your username but in the old system you could. To solve this you cold use an underscore instead of a space.
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@MattP is mostly right. End users that have a two part name to not get @ notifications. Anyone can email me and I will tweak there name to the @ will work. I will also as the the dev team about this.

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