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Ballers at Southern Regionals


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  • Baller
Poor category choice, but nothing seems to fit. I meant to do this last year, but alas.... How many of you guys are going to be at the Southern Regionals in Paducah? I'd like to put some faces with IDs. Maybe we can pick a spot and time for a brief face to face sometime during the 4 days. I can be found most all day Tuesday driving practice and floating around all week. Southern region guys may make up a small percent of all Ballers, but let's see who shows up.
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  • Baller
@skierjp (Jim), I'll be in charge of practice driving and welcome your assistance. Any other of you guys that are 3 event drivers, I can use you with practice driving if you're willing to help. If I don't already know you like Jim, I need real names. Contact me leon1989 at bellsouth dot net. Let me know when you're available. I'll need some help at least from 12 noon (maybe even early AM) Tuesday until dark. Then Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after the tournament. Based on skier demand we may be using both lakes.
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  • Baller_
Well, my efforts to make it to the S. Reg. has failed. But turns out skiing in the MW Reg works out much better considering they are in MN this yr and my entire family lives there. So off to Southern Canada I go.
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