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Another "what to buy" thread


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  • Baller

Me: 200lb, relatively agressive skier, 30 years old but still 24 at heart. Currently on a Connelly Concept F3 from 2002? I think. Rarely get into the course, ski mostly open water. However, I do live on the water so I can be a bit choosy and wait for the glassy moments. I tend not to slalom ski unless it's pretty darn calm.


Thing I don't like about the concept; seems like a lot of work for a ski that isn't actually all that agressive. I have no problem getting up on it, no problems holding on, but I feel like it's really not actually that quick....ESPECIALLY at turn initiation. Once inititated it seems to be OK, but it's like a two step process.


I think I'm looking for a ski that is a little smoother, perhaps a little less tiring, but still quick. The tiring thing doesn't bother me that much, but I wouldn't mind a longer ride. And when I start that turn, I want it to turn...like soon. Ski at 32 to 34....sometimes 35-36 but rarely.


After all this research, this is what I've come up with as possibilities;


-Radar Senate or Senate C

-Connelly V or Carbon V

-Radar Vice

-HO Coefficient X


We have no local shops here, I cannot try out these skis. I'm cheap, and will try to find a lightly used one but still want to try and get one that's the right fit for me...so in the end I'd pay for that.


What say the collective? I'm in no rush so I could wait until the winter for a great deal. Is anything missing from the list? What about the carbon vs. non carbon argument?



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I was in pretty much the same situation as you at the beginning of the season. 31 yrs old, 200 lbs (I lost 25, so now 175), mostly freeski w/ some limited course. I was skiing a 66 Concept and got the 67 Coefficient X SL. The switch was incredible, the Coex SL is faster, more stable, better in the turns, etc. I am extremely pleased and can't wait to ski after work each day!
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I can't really say as I haven't skied the non-SL. Shape is the same, SL is lighter and may be faster due to materials. I am going to give the Triumph a spin through the course this week as I only ski the course at 28-30 mph right now. It is similar to the non-SL Coex, just slightly wider, I will report back and see if it helps.
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