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Horton's S2 settings


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  • Baller


I'm interested in where you ended up on your 67.5 S2? I've been looking on the site to see if I could find it on my own, but no luck. Due to my work situation I don't get to ski a lot. Last set was early May. Since then I've lost 30# so I'm probably a little light for this ski (185#). But anyways, I really like the performance of this ski. I've found that with my weight I've migrated to: Front boot 29 7/8, Length 6.904-6.914', Depth 2.482-2.485, DFT .719-.722.

At these settings the turns are symmetrical, the ski is plenty fast and ski's wide and up course. The only problem I'm having is that with my depth, I've been blowing out the tail of the ski at -35 @ 34 mph on my heel side/off side turn (rff).

Tomorrow I'm going to try more of a stock setting just for a sanity check except a DFT of .722

Thanks in advance!


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  • Baller

Ok... I tried it today with everything stock except the DFT was at .722 (not sure why I held on to the .722) instead of .730. My 1st set the ski felt like it was stopping at the finish of the heel side turn, it was like the tip was stuffing. At -35 it got better, probably due to the additional speed? My second set I moved the boots back one hole to 29 5/8 and things got a little better, but the heel side turn was lacking a bit until again I gained a little more speed at -35. I ran a few -32's with that felt pretty good but with a little more intensity than I wanted. I'm trying to point and shoot rather than lean and leverage. I find the point and shoot method works better for me at shorter lines so I don't end up blazing into the buoys.


Soooo, tonight I moved the DFT to .730 and the boots to 29 3/8 and I'll report back tomorrow.

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I have to say that with my settings I skied good for a while before I skied good and felt good. I stopped tweaking because my ball count went up but I had to ride those settings for a while before I felt like it the ski was doing what I wanted. I realize this sounds odd...
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  • Baller
Not too odd, I think that you need to get used to what the ski is doing under you and build trust in it. I still have trouble trusting the ski and not pushing on it although I know it performs better if you just let it flow. That's probably my main problem with blowing the tail. Age old habit...
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Blowing the tail? On S2? Odd. Go to my settings and run a bunch of passes below your top pass. You should flow on both sides. If not screw my settings...
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  • Baller
FWIW I'm running the fin dead stock other than the fin being slightly deeper. That's how the ski came out of the box and it is nothing short of the best ski ever for me. Took ski out of box, mounted bindings, shredded. Going up the line at 34mph I'm seeing -28 now and that's new for me. I've never had a ski with such a huge sweet spot for turns and angle generation.
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  • Baller
Spoke with Greg Badal while at regionals and he suggested one hole back from stock. I was one hole forward, so I tried it and wow, I thought it skied great before but now I'm really impressed. Took a couple sets to get the feel but now it's great. Wish I'd tried it earlier. I'm 170# on a 66.5" and now have the from boot at 29.25"
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  • Baller

Ok... You can post your smiley face. I didn't blow up and PB or anything, but the ski DID flow better. I added 1 buoy today but should have run the pass! I was coming into 4 ball on a nice line but got amped up and over turned 4. I'm going to leave it there for now and try to get used to the ski.

I've got the bindings close together. It seems that when my bindings are split I end up favoring my rear foot which isn't a good thing for me!

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  • Baller
At your weight the 66.5" would be the right size at 34 mph. I would say if it will support you at the slower speeds it will grow with you. I do have a friend skiing a 66" Strada at your weight and those speeds so it will probably work fine as I think the 66.5" S2 seems like a little bit bigger ski than the Strada.
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  • Baller

@LkSamm196 I believe when someone says "split the bindings", they mean move one binding at a time instead of both. So if you were thinking about moving your boots forward, try just moving the front boot forward. And if you're thinking about moving the boots back, try just moving the rear boot back.


There are a lot of guys that think "the closer the better". However, I split my bindings a couple seasons ago and it helped me a bunch.

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