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Nautique Big Dawg Chile - Betting Pool


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There are really two bets

Who will win and what will the final score of the final bracket be. Each bet is $1 and you can get as many times as you want. When it is over the winnings will be split by anyone and everyone with the correct bet.

As an example:

Tom bets $1 on Chad

Jim bets on $1 Ben

Joe bets on $1 Ben

If Ben wins then Joe and Jim each get $1.50

If Chad wins Tom gets $3


In this example there is $3 on pool. The pool is split by who ever gets it right


If no one guesses right the pot rolls to the next event.


This is a simple as I can make it


When we get a entry list I will assign skier name to skier # s


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Oh you're using paypal for this? Some thoughts.


1. Won't they take like 30 cents in fees per transaction.

2. They will freeze your account if they figure out what is going on, with it taking whatever other money is in your account. and holding it for maybe 6 months while they "investigate". You will have no rights or recourse during this time.


Don't see getting Paypal involved in gambling ever going well. They are assholes.

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