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Losing angle need thoughts vid added


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I have only a few sets this year on my 12 strada and so far I love it,

but at 35 off (where I really notice it)

I feel like I am losing angle going from 3 to 4, I am Rff, If I am close I can usually make things up at the 4 ball then at 5 get pulled off angle to the 6.


Anyways, I am wondering what changes I could make, it feels good through the turns.

And going from 2 to 3 I can hold the angle and make up time.


I was thinking of adding some depth? It is set at factory settings 68"


Sorry no video yet.





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  • Baller

@ToddF Obviously, your skiing is pretty darn good or you wouldn't be so nearly running -35, but I'd say adding depth to your fin will net you even less angle. I'll come back to this.


The real angle killer on your off-side cut is the result of not being in a strong stacked position at the finish of your turn. The boat is catching you before you can get stacked so your hips get stuck behind you, making it hard to generate angle or speed, or to move through an early dynamic edge change behind the boat. By the time you get to a pretty late edge change, you've completely lost the handle. Your elbows should still be glued to your sides at this point. A compromised cut followed by losing the handle towards the boat too early is sure to leave you narrow for 2,4,6.


If you add fin depth, it will make it harder to get your hips back under you off the ball, and make it even harder to resist getting pulled up behind the boat and separated from the handle through the second wake. Before deviating from Rossi's settings, I'd recommend working on driving your hips through the turn more with the rear leg so you can get your left hip further forward over your feet before the load from the boat hits. Then keep your handle as low and close to your hips as possible until well past the white wash. These two moves will give you more off-side angle than any fin change can right now.

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If you have an iPhone ( 4s or later ) or an iPad I recommend you get a video analysis app called " Coach's eye " Video your sets with the phone. It's a fantastic tool to help improve your slalom. It costs £2.99 in the UK, I guess that's around $4.50. Slow mo, frame by frame, side by side video and more. Screen shot from my iPhone:

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  • Baller_

Dave_n has a good idea. I've been using my iPad for this (not nearly enough) and it is a great tool. I use a free app that does all the same things.


I'd start with losing the one handed gate. It's doing you no favors as It's putting you on the tail of the ski in the glide. Turning in on the tail doesn't allow the whole ski to engage to lean against. You have less lean/force to accelerate the ski in order to get wider earlier with that move Sets you up for a late line from the start. Late line equals many bad moves to make up the differance. Unless its a timing thing for you, it can also become higher risk in terms of consistent gate shots as the line shortens. Rightys don't normally need the one hander. @SkyJay has many good points. I'll add once you get those, be mindfull of the direction your reaching. Currently it's down at 135. This may correct itself with other changes though. Also once you let go of the handle, get that outside free shoulder to move away more. Looks like your wanting to keep that shoulder and free hand close to the handle for quick retreaval at the finish of the turn 135. Reaching for the handle to early will close off the shoulders to much to soon and as @SkyJay said, leaves you butt behind you.

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@skijay I totally agree with you hit on it perfectly, I will try focusing on the back leg more especially on 135, because that is where it really exposes my flaws


@Wish Pretty funny, last night I was thinking the same thing, maybe I should go back to a two handed gate, my angle stinks and I am not consistent.


@dave_n I am getting an I pad Monday and the coach's eye will be my first app. Oh and thanks for the still frame of my one ball, it looks like I am looking for something I dropped on the ground. I should keep that one on the boat and look at it every time I ski, as motivation.



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  • Baller

Agree 100% on gate. You are too narrow and not able to roll ski up high enough. You are "on time" at one ball when you could be getting there sooner and take some pressure off the turn.


Re: the offside turn. What I am seeing is that you are "managing" the turn by dipping shoulder and pointing chest to the ball early vs. keeping shoulders level and chest pointing outbound longer. Try pulling your right shoulder back a little more and keeping your eyes level longer. You need to drive this turn with your hips and rotate right hip under the rope so the ski finishes with more attack angle. This will give you more resistance to lean away with chest up in a stacked position.


I agree with the more depth on fin is not the answer. I would work on a wider and aggressive edge in the gate and rock the offside turn before messing with the fin.


If I would make any fin recommendation, it would be to take out a few thousandths of depth, which would allow a more aggressive edge and quicker offside turn. I suggest to work on form first though.

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